"Hello, would you like ice cream?"

I nodded, about to apologize to the two behind me when I spotted a certain blonde teenager approaching us.

"Hey Adrien," Eden says, and Nathaniel stops smack-talking to her for a moment to say hi as well.

"Hi guys," He responds, brushing his bangs back and smiling wide. Andre smiled at the boy briefly before getting back to making the ice cream.

"Okay, pal, I have a question for you. If you had to choose between making a skit or a music video, which one would you pick?" Eden asked, elbowing Nathaniel.

"Oh, don't bother him with that, Eden," Nathaniel protested, but Adrien answered anyway.

"Huh, that's a tough question. But I'd have to go with a skit."

"Ah ha!" Nathaniel cheered, and Eden frowned.

"Adrien, wrong answer. And here I was thinking we made a great team..." she teased, shaking her head in disappointment.

Adrien rolled his eyes, punching her in the shoulder good-naturedly.

"Ah, come on, don't be that way! You know I love you!" He said with a wink, and I froze for a second as a memory resurfaced. Marinette, Alya, and Eden standing together just inside the locker room. "Is this about you liking Adrien?"

Back in the present, Eden laughed. "Yeah? Sometimes I wonder." She winked at me, crossing her arms.

"You'll back me, won't you Luka?" She asked, and I was saved from responding by Andre's sudden flourishing of four ice cream cones. He distributed them, smiling at each person in turn, and explained the flavors.

"Blackberry, Lime, and Candy Apple for Nathaniel."

"Blueberry, Honey, and Raspberry for you, Luka."

"Cherry, and Vanilla with a dark chocolate swirl for Adrien."

"And for the lady, Java, Carmel, and Strawberry."

He smiled once more at Eden's confused face, before returning to his cart to serve the next set of customers.

"I should go pay," I said, excusing myself, but Adrien turned to walk with me.

"I, uh, didn't ask for ice cream, but here," He said, handing me twenty bucks to pay for the ice cream Andre had made for him. All of them together didn't cost that much.

"No, it's cool Adrien, I can cover-" I started, but he shook his head, smiling, before running off.

"Yours." I finished, but he was gone. So I handed Andre the twenty, told him to keep the change, and walked back over to Eden and Nathaniel.

"You look like you've never seen ice cream before. Is ice cream something else in the US?" Nathaniel was saying and Eden was still staring dumbfounded at her ice cream.

"Who is this supposed to be?" She muttered, eyes darting up to meet mine. I shrugged, staring at her ice cream. Unlike the other ice creams I'd seen from Andre, I had no idea who her ice cream was supposed to represent.

"Hey, your ice cream is starting to drip," Nathaniel pointed out, and Eden nodded, finally snapping out of her daze.

"Right, okay. So, what did we say we were doing for our project?"

"Well, so far we have one vote for a music video and two votes for a skit."

"Adrien doesn't count, Nathaniel."

"Sure he does. Wow, Eden, you are terrible at accepting defeat."

She shrugged, smiling.

"How could I not be, when I never lose?"

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