Chapter 20: A mess

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Minho walked in to see Chan giggling as he was texting someone, now if that wasn't alarming on its own, he was texting someone through Minho's phone! Minho grabbed the phone at the speed of light and to his horror he found..



You don't want me to call you baby?
How about honey then?

Minmin what kind of revenge is this?

Revenge? I'm not getting revenge
I'm making it clear to that Seoha guy that you're mine

He doesn't even know about you!

And you say he's just a friend
Okay, be honest, me or him?

I- what?!

This is me, the ACTUAL minho
All those previous messages weren't from me!
It was Chan, you know I would rather shove a knife down my throat than call you baby right?

Ah yes, there he is, the Minho we know and love

Now hold on while I go kill Chan

You can't, he's older than you
And probably stronger
He'll just tie you to the couch again

I hate everyone!

Even me? :(


Fine then don't throw a fit if I go on dates with Seoha!

So you admit it! It was a date!

So what if it was a date?! Atleast he's kind, nice and respectful
Unlike you! You're seriously always so mean!

Yeah, whatever, I am the meanest person ever
I don't care about anyone, I only care about myself
So don't talk to me



(Author's note: oh god this is a mess however will they resolve this?!)

(Third person POV)

Minho put his phone down, but unlike he usually does, he kept it down slow and you could see the hurt in his eyes. Chan noticed, he picked up Minho's phone and was surprised when Minho didn't even object. Minho asked Chan to get out of the room in a quiet voice, and Chan did as told, taking his phone to the hall.

As Chan read the messages, he felt a mix of anger and pity towards Yenne and Minho. He showed the rest of the members, and all of them were upset and confused on how they can resolve this. Han couldn't stop himself from going to Minho. He entered Minho's room to find him sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, hugging a pillow, and staring out the window as tears formed in his eyes.

Han's heart always ached to see Minho cry, he instantly went and hugged Minho. And rubbed his back. Minho said in a cracky voice, "I really am very mean aren't I? I'm toxic".
Han took the pillow from Minho's hands, and hugged Minho tightly and said, "you're the kindest, funniest, sweetest person I can name. To me, you're a mom, a dad, an older brother, a bestie, and sometimes even a boyfriend!"
Minho chuckled. A single tear rolled down his eyes but before it could hit the ground, Han wiped it off.

"Come out and talk to everyone, don't cry, forget about this for now," han said, getting off the bed.
Minho nodded, wiped his teary eyes, and come outside with Han. Just when he decided he wouldn't cry, all the members ran and hugged him so tight, and he felt so touched he couldn't keep it in.
They all spent the next few hours just sitting together in the hall, all of them resting on one another, talking about anything that comes to mind.

Soon enough, Minho felt better, and so did everyone else, they were all cheered up, and decided to cook together as it was soon going to dinner time.


(Yenne's POV)

I put the phone down, and my eyes met Jenna. I could tell she was worried about how I felt. I smiled and I said, "let's just focus on the worksheets, I guess this is just his way of preventing us from procrastinating!" Jenna opened her mouth as if to ask something, but she decided not to. She nodded and picked up her pen and worksheets.

We finished the worksheets in about 2 hours, and I headed to my room. If there's one useful thing that liking Axel had taught me, it was how to laugh and smile brighter than the sun while crying internally. Jenna was convinced I was happy and unaffected. I came into my room. And as soon as I closed the door I fell onto my bed. I opened my chats with him again, and stared at the message that read 'YES! ESPECIALLY YOU!'

I read the whole conversation, and it made no sense how something so insignificant turned into a fight. The voices in my head kept repeating 'he's never going to talk to you again, and neither are the rest of the boys' I felt like screaming and crying. I felt so pathetic. I always get attached to people easily, and then cry rivers when something happens, no wonder all the guys I've ever liked run away. Maybe it was never Axel's fault, maybe he too ran away because of how pathetic I was.

It was close to dinner time, but I had lost my appetite. I cried myself for hours, I didn't even realise when I fell asleep. My pillow was drenched in tears and his chat was still on in my phone. I woke up at 3:00 in the morning, to find my drenched pillow and my phone that lost most of its charge by now. I mentally cursed myself as I changed the pillow cover, charged my phone, and lied down, staring at the ceiling.

As I stared at the ceiling I thought of all the previous chats of both the group and Minho. I eventually fell asleep again.


To be continued. . .

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