Chapter 19: the tea has been spilled

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It was the day right after coffee with Seoha.

(Yenne's POV)

I was finally done with all my lectures, and I was holding a couple worksheets that I planned on practicing in the student lounge with Jenna. The library would be better for focus, but, we were hungry and food isn't allowed in the library. When we got to the student lounge, we each got croissants and boba.

We got seats away from the AC, cuz both of us agreed that winters were too cold for AC's. We opened up our worksheets and talked about college drama as we solved each question. Just then, I remembered, I hadn't texted Minho since the previous day! I quickly picked my phone up, and texted Minho.



Heyy!! It says you're online stop hiding from me!


"Are you even listening to me?!" Said Jenna, making me put my phone down instantly. "Who're you texting? You were smiling so bright!" She added.
"No one, it's nobody," I said shaking my hands in a way that made it way to obvious that I was lying.
"It's a guy isn't it? IS IT SEOHA?!" she said, getting all excited.

"Seoha? Why did he come to your mind first?" I asked.
"Ohh hahaha no reason! Y'know he's the guy you talk to most that's it!" She said, in a way that didn't seem too believable.
"Hmm, okay," I said, giving her the side eye.
"But don't change the topic! The main topic is that you're talking to a boy!" She said, giving me a friendly smack.

We almost completely forgot about the worksheets. She kept pestering me to tell her about the guy, and so eventually I decided, what could possibly go wrong? Jenna is my closest girlfriend so I could tell her right?
I show her the chats and tell her all about the boys. She gets more and excited as the story goes on.

"Wait, is Minho good looking?" She said, finally.
"Why does that matter?!" I said, slightly raising my voice.
"You're imagining a certain face and body when you think about him right? What if he doesn't match that imagination?!" She replied, raising her voice too. I opened my mouth to say something but then I realised, I HAVE been imagining him as a particular person! Ever since that day where I sent that really good looking guy in the group and they said minho was blushing, I always imagined him as that guy.

"I uh, doesn't matter! I'll get used to it! Wait. Why are you acting like we're even gonna get together?!" I yelled, almost loud enough for others to hear. I went red once I realised and tried to cover my face with my textbook. Just then, we heard a ping from my phone and both me and Jenna stuck to eachother like glue as I opened the group chat.


Stop crying and talk to me child

Chicken has meat in it!

I am: disappointed

It's true I even googled!


"I guess he's the cute but dumb one," Jenna said chuckling.
"He's not the sharpest tool in the toolbox, but he's the sweetest, cutest, purest ray of sunshine ever and that's why he's lixie," I said. Jenne nodded in agreement.


Guys, Minho's ignoring me

Well duh
He's mad at you


Don't you dare go around acting like you don't know what u did

What the hell?

Okay, frankly, he's mad that you ignored him for that Seoha guy, and left without waiting for him to say bye


"Remind me why you think he doesn't like you?" Jenna said with a sarcastic tone.
"Shut up," I said, smiling ear to ear feeling delulu. I opened my chats with him again.



I know you're reading these messages babe


(Third person POV)

The person holding the phone was not Minho, it was Chan. That's why he didn't reply, but these texts were too good to leave, he was feeling rather mischievous and so he


You really expect me to forgive you for that?
What does Seoha call you?

I uh, he just calls me by name but sometimes calls me yinnie

Then from now on I shall call you baby


To be continued. . .

Sorry for the short chapter!

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