Poppy stepped down from her platform and walked forward to branch. "Of course I will pick you, branch." She grabbed his hands in hers, "now let's go dance."

The dance floor was cleared and a soft tune played from above. Hand in hand, the two trolls went to the middle of the clearance and began to dance. Branch had his hands on poppy's waist and poppy's hands were around his neck. Poppy smiled brightly at him as a red color came to branches face. They both giggled.

"I'm glad I picked you, branch," whispered poppy; as they danced, "I don't know who else I'd pick to dance with but you. You're my greatest friend."

poppy could never know that branch thought of her much more than just friend, "yea poppy, you're my greatest friend too. You taught me to be happy. And I sure am happy now. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

"I'm grateful for you branch." poppy smiled her dorky, teethy smile. And branch held onto her just a little bit tighter. The music came to an end, and a new slow dance commenced. More couples of trolls entered the floor and swayed along side each other.

And as that song stopped, the pairs of trolls all around grabbed hands and walked off. Waving to their friends goodbye, they went off the spent the rest of the night together. Branch and poppy let go of each other after the last song.

"Well. I had a great night poppy." I'm so in love with her

"Yea branch. I really enjoyed that." I wish I could spend the rest of the night with him.

They both walked away. Poppy looked back once and branch looked back twice. 

When branch entered his bunker, he changed out of his clothes quickly and threw them on the floor. He sprinted into his bed. Somehow, after all that, he was upset. Maybe in the back of his mind, there was a deep fantasy that something more would happen. But nothing did, and both branch and poppy parted ways and everything would have to go back to normal. 

Branch couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned and folded his arms and covered his head with the pillow. Finally, he rose and walked out the bunker. He was headed to the nearby lake, he normally went there whenever something felt off or wrong.  he walked down the hill and finally saw the view of the lake, which was illuminated by the moonlight and the stars above. It was truly a beautiful night. But he knew deep down there was only one thing that could fill his heart. 

A noise from behind him traveled  to his ears and he spun around. He grabbed the nearest stick and was prepared to use it as a weapon. But a familiar troll emerged from out of the bushes. A pink one, with loosely tied pink hair and clad in a fancy queen-like night gown. And to branch, lovely as ever.

"Poppy." He stated in disbelief, "gosh, poppy what are you doing here." His hands traveled to his face as he wiped away sweat and some mild dirt stains. 

"Sorry, I just." Poppy had her hands folded across her chest, "I just needed to get out, get some fresh air. Rough night." she attempted an awkward smile, which fooled neither of them.

"Yea I, I get it. I mean- me too. I'm out here too, I mean. I-" he stuttered over his words. It was like the words just rolled off his tongue, "I'm sorry, I can't. I'm-"

"Branch." Poppy stepped nearer to him, which made his heart skip a beat. Maybe two or three, he couldn't tell; he was so focused on her. 

"Poppy I," he muttered, "gosh this is so difficult."

"Branch, if there's something you need to say then just say it." Her hand was placed on his cheek in a comforting manner. Branch took some deep breaths. He moved her hand away from his face.

He could tell she knew. She could tell he knew.

"Poppy I fear there's not a day that goes by where I'm not thinking about you.  maybe it's your face, or your hair or your scent. I don't know poppy I just- You're always there. In the back of my head. When I think or sleep, I can't do it normally .  and- after that dance. I don't think I can handle it anymore when it's too much for me to bear."

When he was done, he covered his mouth. Out of fear, astonishment, or maybe embarrassment neither of them could tell . 

"Branch I. i don't know what to say. You didn't have to keep all that bundled up." she moved her hand to his cheek once again, and looked him straight in the eyes,    "branch I don't think I ever stop thinking about you either. thats why I came out here because it was so overwhelming to me.  and I don't know what's going on. my heart feels so full but so empty and-  and it's so hard being queen- and- and why does it get tugged on branch?" some tears welled in her eyes.

"Poppy, you're the best queen pop village has ever laid their eyes on. The most lovely and beautiful one. The most fair. I wish I could take that away from you move than ever. I don't want anything to happen to your heart . I won't let it get prodded or pulled at. and I promise that no matter how fragile it is I will always take care of it." Branch grabbed poppy's face and brushed some stray hairs around her ears.

Branch leaned in softly and kissed her like she could break. He was gentle and held her safely. keeping his precious diamond safe. poppy smiled.

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