Red's Whore House

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Azula waits anxiously as a waiter greets her and Fei Fei at the door. She sighs quietly, gripping the sides of her dress as she goes over the plan in her mind. Fei Fei nudges her with her elbow, giving the princess a reassuring look. Azula nods with a quick smile. "What can I do for you today, ladies?" The waiter asks, giving them a wink.

Azula groans in disgust as she blurts out, "Red."

The waiter straightens up, his smug smile vanishing into one of lust. "Of course, girls. Can I talk to you guys about purchasing later?"

"Beat it," Fei Fei tells him, taking hold of Azula's arm and dragging her away from the man. Azula lets out a small chuckle as she watches the waiter's face contort, his ego severely damaged. "I hate men."

"Same here," Azula replies nonchalantly, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "I don't understand why they have so much confidence in themselves." She says, checking her nails. She looks at them for a bit, noticing how weak they look from years of drug abuse. She looks down at her hair, recognizing how thin and light it has become.

"You alright?" Fei Fei asks as she opens the door to Madam Akako's whore house. The two walk in, inhaling the familiar scent of sex and cigarettes.

Azula let's out another tired sigh, "I need to stop using Ruby Tears."

"I've been telling you for years," Fei Fei quickly responds. "It hurts you."

"So does that plant you love to smoke,"

"Only my lungs," Her friend raises her arms to the side in defense. Fei Fei smirks as she places a hand over her heart. "I swear that I will never do hard drugs, I'll only smoke. If that kills me, so be it. Who wants to be old anyway? I'd rather die hot and beautiful."

"Miki?" A voice questions from behind them. The girls turn their heads and realize it's Ayaka. "Miki! You've been gone for a long time. Where'd you run off too?" The girl questions, joining the other two. Ayaka grabs hold of Azula's arm, interlocking hers with the princess. Azula lets out a small laugh in response.

Although they hadn't known eachother for long, Azula viewed the girl as a little sister. Ayaka had always been so sweet and the princess loved spending time with her. "I od," Azula replies, sticking to her lie.

"What?!" Ayaka shouts, letting go of Azula's arm and slapping her lightly on the shoulder. "Again? How many times do I have to tell you to get off Ruby Tears? It's bad for you!"

"That's what I said," Fei Fei comments, twirling her hair on her finger. "She never listens though. Honestly, Miki, you gotta stop. Truly. Switch to cigs or something."

"No!" Ayaka shouts again, slapping Fei Fei this time. "You got to stop smoking. Your lungs are all ashy because of it!"

"It's already damaged, why not make it worse?" Fei Fei shrugs as she takes out a blunt and a bag full of stems. She quickly fills the blunt with the material, nodding to Azula to use her fire bending to light it. The princess sighs as she obliges. This has been their routine for years now. Did she have it the entire time? Azula thinks, rolling her eyes as Fei Fei smokes it excitedly, inhaling deeply as she lets out a relieved sigh, the smoke leaving her body. "How could you hate it?"

"Well," Ayaka starts but sighs as she gives up. She reaches for the blunt, taking a long hit and exhaling it as well. "I'm a hypocrite." She says admittingly.

"We know," Azula notes, also taking the blunt and inhaling the plant. A soft sigh escapes her lips as a sense of euphoria enters her body, a smile appearing across her face. "Let's go to Akako now."

"Oh right," Ayaka says as she taps on her chin. "You know she's mad at you, for disappearing? She sent out a lot of her men looking for you."

"Yeah, I figured," The princess replies as she takes another hit of the blunt. "I'm her cash cow."

"We know," Fei Fei says as she takes the blunt from Azula and takes a hit before handing it back. "You're her favorite."

Azula shrugs as she and her friends continue to walk down the halls until they reach an office. The Princess lets out a worried sigh before knocking on the door three times. A man opens it, revealing Madam Akako slumped over her desk in a pile of money. The Mistress lifts her head, standing up quickly when she notices Azula. "Miki!" She shrieks, running up to the girl and hugging her. Ayaka rolls her eyes in annoyance at the blatant display of favoritism. "Where were you, my sweet girl?" Akako asks, still hugging Azula.

"In a ditch," Fei Fei response quickly, smoking leaving her mouth. "She od again."

"Oh, you poor thing," Madam Akako says with a pitying look. She breaks the hug and checks Azula for any scars or injuries. "We have to get you checked by the doctors. Come with me!" The mistress smiles, interlocking her arm with the Princess'.

Fei Fei sighs as she thinks for a moment before making up the perfect excuse. "I gotta shit." She says quickly, walking the other way and leaving Ayako alone.

"Oh!" Ayaka responds, scrunching her brows together. "Love the boundaries we have for each other. I mean, we see each other naked all the time but would a little amount of secrecy be so hard to ask for." She mutters as she walks away as well.

Azula continues to walk with the Mistress until they reach a tall wooden door. Madam Akako opens the door revealing a room filled with doctors and patients. "Dr. Huang?" Akako calls out.

Suddenly, a man wearing a white doctor's robe emerges, bowing his head lowly to the Mistress. "Madam Akako, what can I do for you today?"

"Examine this girl, will you?" She responses, lightly pushing Azula to the doctor. "I'll be back in a short while. Make sure she's alright."

Azula smiles quickly at the doctor before sitting down in a paitents chair. She kicks her legs as she looks around the room, looking for an exit. She smiles when she notices an exit door at the back of the room. "Hello..."

"Miki," Azula replies. "I od a couple of days ago. I passed out."

"Ah, I see," Doctor Huang says as he sits down and takes out a flashlight, examining the girl's eyes. "Have you heard of this Fire Nation rumor? Every Fire Nation citizen has eyes as amber eyes but.."

"But what?" The princess questions in curiosity.

"The royal family have been rumored to have gold eyes. A gift from Agni," Huang smirks. "You, my darling, have many secrets."

Azula stays silent and looks the other way. She looks down, not wanting to make any sort of eye contact with the doctor.

"He's a smart man," Her mother says quietly, her voice echoing in Azula's mind. "You're smart too."

I'm exhausted," Azula says out loud, turning to look at the doctor. "Am I good to go? I'd like to go to bed."

"If you'd like," The doctor smiles warmly at the girl, moving to the side of her. "Have a good day, Miki."

"You too doctor,"

Just then, a loud bang draws the attention of the doctors in the room. Huang raises a brow as he stands up from his chair and walks towards the noise outside. Azula smirks, getting off of the bed quietly and running towards the exit. 

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