Unexpected Surprise

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"Azula?" Ursa asks her daughter softly. "Are you listening?"

"Sorry," Azula says as she stops zoning out. The princess lightly shakes her head, closing her eyes and getting herself together. She looks at her mother. "You were saying?" Azula shivers as a rush falls down her spine.

"It's the detox," Her father explains. "You'll finally be the Azula I raised, the Azula I know you truly are."

"I don't want to be your Azula. I want to be me," She thinks. She scoffs, laying her back down on her hospital bed.

"Azula, I was hoping that you and I could speak together, about our relationship. " Her mother asks carefully. Azula stares at the woman, tilting her head to the side like a curious cat.

"Ursa," Azula softly says as she smiles pitifully. "I am not the little girl you once knew, nor am I like the teenage girl that attacked you in the forest."

A small tear forms in the corner of Ursa's eye, "I know that-"

"And I'm sorry I was rude to you when I first saw ya'. I hope you understand that I'm going through a lot. Ya' know, meeting Zuko again, going through withdrawal, seeing you, yade ya da," Azula starts ranting. She stops herself when she realizes her Lower Ring accent. She coughs and fixes herself. Chills run down her body as she rolls her eyes in annoyance, hating herself for ever starting Ruby Tears. "But I can not speak with you right now. Well, not for a very long time. When I was going through my schizophrenic episode, you were the person I saw in my hallucinations. Now that I see you here, existing, I-..."

Ursa looks down quietly, holding her hand in her palm as a small tear falls down her cheek. "I understand. I understand completely. I hope that one day we will be able to mend our relationship. I'm sorry that I didn't protect you from your father like how I protected Zuko."

Azula smiles quickly before looking the other way out the window next to her bedside. She sighs. She couldn't help but feel hurt by that comment, and not for the reason everybody would believe. People kept telling her how horrible her father was, but he was the one who raised her. He was abusive, but he had his good moments as well. Her father was a terrible man, but he was also her father. It took her a while to admit it to herself, but she still loved him. Respect? Not so much, but love.

Azula raises a brow as she hears a loud mumble coming her way following a bunch of footsteps. She groans, taking her pillow and covering her face. She knows who they are, and she isn't exactly thrilled. She pouts as she hears the footsteps and angry mumbles get closer until, eventually, they reach the end of her bed.

"Azula," Her brother's voice calls out.

"Zuzu," She responds, the pillow still covering her face.

"Azula, please," Zuko sighs. "Will you get that thing out of your face?"

"No," She responds quickly, her voice muffled. "The light from the sun is hurting my eyes so-"

"You're a fire bender," A recognizable female voice asks with an annoyed voice. Azula groans quietly. She finds Katara's voice aggravating. "Isn't heat and sun your whole thing?"

Azula rolls her eyes as she takes the pillow off her face, greeting everyone with a sarcastic smile. "Not when said Firebender has been living in Ba Sing Se for the past 10 years with a crippling drug addiction. Oh, and about that, when in fucks name can I go back?"

"I think we'll go now," Iroh says calmly as he pulls Ursa and himself out of the room. They wave their goodbyes as Iroh picks up his tea set. Azula sighs in annoyance knowing that he only cared about the safety of his precious tea.

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