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"I quite literally do not give a shit."

Damien Thorn muttered into his walkie talkie. Snow crunched under his black winter boots as he walked through the dark wooded area. He had no light other than his flashlight, since the moon and stars never seemed to appear anywhere over the island.

But he had become well versed to the area around him. Anyone would need to be, considering the beasts and wild animals that roamed around. Not like he couldn't put up a good fight, though. He wasn't afraid of something he brought into the world.

"Don't pretend like you aren't the reason everyone's in this mess." Replied his 'friend,' Estella Havisham. She was most often subjected to Damien's shitty schemes, which he could never properly carry out without some help. She sat back at home, next to a cozy fire in her own log cabin (for safety reasons, no one should share one with her).

"Invest in having more than the intelligence of a roach, yes?"

"How about you invest in killing yourself, Estella?"

"No, thank you."

Deciding that talking to Estella was a lost cause, Damien tucked the walkie talkie into his badly stitched together jacket pocket. It might've been his fault that they were all trapped here, but it wasn't like they'd be here forever. Once he got his energy back, he could easily just snap his fingers and everything would be right again.

He was pulled out of his internal affairs when he suddenly stepped over something metal. He squinted his eyes, despite the brightness of his flashlight, when he tilted it down and saw a fallen sign beneath the snow.

"The fuck..." He leaned down and brushed some of the snow aside, revealing its message of 'DO NOT CROSS.'

Damien furrowed his brows in both confusion and annoyance. Cross what? There isn't anything here but snow. He looked up again, seeing nothing of interest before standing back up. Maybe it's just old shit from when people used to actually live here.

In spite of the warning, he continued on into the woods. The Prince of Hell was fabled to be invincible, after all, so what could possibly go wrong?


Quite a few hours had passed since any contact from Damien, and as much as Estella hated to admit it, she was worried. She checked the clock: 3:06am. Maybe he was just ignoring her like he always did with his little fits, but something deep down in her gut told her otherwise.

She closed her book, The Study of Poisons, and made her way over to one of the old rotary phones in the cabin. She typed out Herbert Pocket's number with quick ease, tapping her foot impatiently on the wooden floor as she waited for him to answer.

"Estella? My, my, why are you calling at this time of morning-!"

"Shut up, Pocket, I'm in a bit of a tizzy right now and the service isn't good. I need you to contact some of the others and alert them of our location." Estella said sternly, her hand on her hip as she demanded immediate action.

"Right, yes... Except..." Pocket trailed off, unsure of how to phrase his next sentence, "Well, it appears me and you are in the same predicament." He said nervously, picking at his shirt collar.

"What?" She seethed through her teeth.

"I appear to be locked in a log cabin, Estella." His voice was meek as he prepared for Estella's rage. But instead, all he heard on the other line was silence. Blissful silence.

"I will take care of it." She finally answered, hanging up the phone with a brash slam! I always have to do everything around here, she thought, as she pulled a green sweater over her dress and grabbed a flashlight.

"This better not be one of your little tantrums again, Damien," Estella grumbled to herself as she left the comfort of her cabin.

Little did she know, that unfortunate prince had entered a world entirely of his own, and she would be living in it from now on.


722 words

The love interests for this one are gonna take so long to introduce, you won't even know what hit you.

But uhm... suggest away here for whatever character you wanna see be a love interest.


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