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The house was bustling with excitement and restless children,

Nevaeh heaved out a sigh as she pulled out the giant turkey from the oven before discarding her mittens,

She looked up from the food to see Marie, her last born, staring at her intently from her spot across the table,

As much as Nevaeh didn't want to admit it, She knew that the reason they didn't need an elf on the shelf was because of the little girl,

Everyone was cautious about their business around her,

The girl blinked and yawned,

"Now, how long have you been sitting there, watching me cook?" She smiled at the five year old,

The reason for the huge age gap between the girl and her siblings?

Yeah, she was the surprise child, a cryptic pregnancy,

"Since you started" The girl answered as she rested her head on the table,

"Hmm, nothing else to do?" Nevaeh asked,

"No one wants to hang out with me" She shrugged,

"Okay..." Nevaeh said as she leaned against the counter, feeling sad for the girl,

"What are your brothers doing?" She asked,

"Which of them?" Marie mumbled tiredly,

"The twins, Mikaelís and Andre" She asked,

"No, I'm not telling" She whispered,

"Why not?" Nevaeh asked,

"Because I don't wanna be a snitch" She sighed,

"Uhmm... What do you mean and where did you hear that from" Nevaeh laughed awkwardly,

Marie gave her the really? Look,

"Mikaelís and Andre said that snitches get stitches and snitches with stitches don't get bitches" Marie explained,

"Oh" Nevaeh said as she bit the inside of her cheek,

"I'm gonna murder those two" She whispered as she turned away,

"Then I asked Angelo what bitches meant, and he said it's something very good and I like good things" Marie shrugged as she drew imaginary lines on the table,

Angelo was fourteen, also a twin but his twin was a girl, Angelica,

Miles came into the room,

"Hey darling" He smiled as he kissed his daughter's forehead before moving into his wife,

"Daddy, carry me" Marie giggled as she stretched out her hands to the man,

Miles laughed as he lifted her up, spinning her in the air like he did to everyone of his children when they were her age,

"Miles, your sons are at it again" She said angrily in Spanish,

"My sons? How come they're my kids when they get into trouble?" He mumbled angrily,

Nevaeh looked up, glaring at him wordlessly,

"I'll let them off only because of the festivities" She said after a long pause,

"Sure, thank you Mamí" Mike's said with a hint of sarcasm laced into his tone,

"Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas everyone" A woman yelled as she entered the house with her boyfriend,

NEVAEH || SPIDERMAN: ATSVKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat