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Nevaeh worked late into the night, updating Xanthe,

"Alright, I'm done" She sighed as the window fling open on its own, wind rushing into the room, picking up pieces of paper and tossing them around,

"Stella, shut the window" She yelled,

There was no response from the a.i,

"I always have to do everything myself" Nevaeh groaned as she closed it, locking it properly this time,

She sighed and walked back to her computer,

"That's not very nice" Stella's robotic voice said,

"Oh shut up" Nevaeh groaned, not paying attention to it,

Thunder boomed and Nevaeh shuddered as the lights went off,

She kissed her teeth as she cursed at the weather,

She felt around the room for a torch, as Stella would not be able to work,

Finally, she grabbed the torch and flicked it on,

Something fell behind her and shattered,

"Who's there? Miles, this better not be a fucking prank" She said as she turned the flashlight at the wall behind her,

The lights came on,

Nevaeh heaved out a sigh and turned off the flashlight,

"Are you alright?" Stella asked,

"Yeah" Nevaeh answered casually as she focused on what she was doing, her brows furrowing in concentration,

Her eyes suddenly shot up from her work as she stared at the computer screen,

"Stella?" She asked,

"Hmm?" It answered,

"Why did you ask me that?" Nevaeh asked,

"I don't know... You seemed... Scared?" Stella replied in between long pauses,

"How can you tell my emotions" Nevaeh said as she dropped her screwdriver,

"I don't know... I just can?"

"You weren't programmed to ask about feelings, power off, I'll come to you later" She sighed,

"Shutting... Down"

Nevaeh took the spare head of Xanthe's robot to the mirror, checking if the eyes were symmetrical,

"Oww... Shit" Nevaeh gasped as a thin metal pricked her hand,

"Be careful" Stella said,

Nevaeh looked back and up at the speaker,

"Wait... I thought I told you to power..."

The mirror behind her shattered, it's shards stabbing her as dark smoke enveloped the room,

"Miles" Nevaeh screamed.

NEVAEH || SPIDERMAN: ATSVWhere stories live. Discover now