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It was a calm and surprisingly cold evening,

The conversations occuring seemed distant and very far away,

Lost in thought as his cutlery danced about his food,

"Miles, Nevaeh, you two should really come to church tomorrow" Rio said as she ate her food,

"No" He answered immediately, snapping out of his chain of thoughts,

"But" His mother protested,

"I said No" He said, cutting her off,

"Miles" Nevaeh whispered sternly as she hit his leg under the table,

"Baby, I" He tried to explain,

"If your mom wants us to come to church with her tomorrow, then we will go" She stated in a harsh voice, cutting his forming sentence short,

"If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to come, Nevi" Rio said softly,

Nevaeh glared at him,

"Any objections, mi amor?" She asked in a sweet tone, daring him to reply negatively,

He huffed, rolling his eyes in reply as he looked away,

"I'll take that as a no, so don't worry mama Rio, we'll be there" She smiled warmly,

"Why aren't you eating?" Rio asked her son,

Nevaeh gave him a side eye as she took another bite of her food,

"I'm eating" He answered in a low and rough voice,

Rio knew that Miles was angry at his girlfriend,

None of his girlfriends she had known had ever talked to him like that,

Tonight might be tough,

For the both of them,


"Do not walk away from me when I'm talking to you, Nevaeh" Miles yelled as the door slammed shut behind him,

"Stop talking to me like that, you're not my dad" She screamed,

"That's not what you said when I railed you this afternoon" He yelled,

"What's your problem?" She screamed,

"What's your problem, what was with that stunt you pulled off at dinner today, I was talking to my mom, my mom, you shouldn't" He yelled before stopping himself midway before he said something he would regret,

Nevaeh halted in her tracks, slowly turning her head to look at him,

"I shouldn't? I shouldn't what?" She asked,

He offered her no reply, silence clamping down on his tongue,

"I shouldn't what, Miles?" She yelled, glaring at him,

Silence greeted her again as he kept quiet, thinking of what to say that could save their relationship hanging on a thin thread now,

"Yeah, that's what I thought" She said in a mean tone before she turned,

"Nevaeh" He whispered softly,

Nevaeh ignored him, walking up the stairs to her room,

Miles had yelled and complained about what she did during dinner that evening throughout the ride home,

He opened the door as she changed into her nightwear,

"Nevaeh, Nevaeh" He called out repeatedly,

There was no response as she was still very keen on ignoring his existence,

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