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Andrea had left Tara with the two for five consecutive days,

The toddler was clingy,

The only time the couple had together was when Tara decided to take a couple hours off to sleep,

And they made the most of any amount of time Tara was gracious to give them,


Nevaeh yawned as she stared into her phone,

Her robe almost undone, hair messier than a bird's nest,

"Have you tried to call her?" Miles asked as he walked out of the bathroom,

"Yes, her phone's been switched off for the past five days" Nevaeh sighed as she dropped her phone on the bed,

"Did you go up to her house?" Miles asked as he took out his messy braids,

"I did, her neighbors said they haven't seen her" Nevaeh sighed,

"Well, that's rough" He commented,

"Do you think something happened to her?" She asked as he combed his hair,

"Chill, it's not that deep, we'll stop by her workplace today and ask around, she works at a hospital right?" He answered,

"Yeah" She muttered as he turned around, making his way to sit beside her,

"Look Vi, no matter what happens, we'll be fine and if she really did abandon Tara, we're here for the lil girl, we'll raise her, together" He whispered as he rubbed her back soothingly,

"Okay" She mumbled as Miles left a kiss on her forehead,

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Nevaeh asked as she saw the weird look on his face,

"You..." He paused to laugh,

"What?" Nevaeh yelled,

"You have a little something on your chin, Mamí" He chuckled,

Nevaeh shook her head as she rolled her eyes, knowing what he was hinting at,

She used her finger to wipe it off, plunging it into her mouth,

"Ma, you're nasty ass" Miles laughed,

"That's why you love me" Nevaeh grinned as she got up, walking up to the vanity,

Miles sat back, enjoying the view of her back as she strutted into the bathroom,

"How 'bout round four Mamí?" Miles grinned,

"Hell nah, now you're just trying to end me before I should be ended" She huffed with an attitude,

"The only thing I'm tryna end is that ass" He smiled,

"Man, I'm tired, take a break" Nevaeh sighed as his arms snaked around her waist,

"Ughh, leave me alone" She groaned as he left tender kisses along her neck,

"You know I'm not gonna listen" He whispered,

"I know and I wonder why you never do" She sighed,

"You're freakier everytime you complain and you take it like a champ each time you do" He whispered, nibbling on her ear playfully,

"Man, fuck off" Nevaeh giggled,

The doorbell rang,

Miles groaned,

"Oops, it seems like that's the creator's way of telling you to take a break" Nevaeh laughed as she squirmed in his grip,

"You win, this time" He muttered as he let her go,

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