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"That's how your dad died, Miles" She said as she looked at her cousin,

Miles staggered into Nevaeh's ready arms,

Carefully, she helped him sit on the floor,

Aaron kept silent, looking out of the window, avoiding the angered gazes in the room,

"Soon after, Mr Rivera takes his place as the chief but Aaron doesn't relent, he takes a couple of his friends, and his right hand man of course" She said as she looked at Royale,

"My dad?" Royale mumbled as she backed away, her back hitting the wall,

"Yes, your dad"

It was Janelle's turn to comfort Royale,

"So they killed my father that night" Nevaeh whispered,

"Why? Yes" Anza grinned,

Naveen charged at Aaron, tackling him to the floor as he delivered well aimed punches to his body,

Anza watched with a smile on her face,

Miles got up, dragging Naveen off the man,

"Fuck you" Naveen yelled at Aaron,

Nevaeh just stood there, eyes glazed over,

"Calm down Naveen, I'm not even done yet" Anza said as she rolled her eyes,

"You might ask what the plan was, well, allow me..." She grinned as Aaron struggled to get up,

"He figured out that if he wanted Amaya he would have to take away everything she was holding on to"

"The eldest was first, wasn't she Dad?" Anza smiled,

"It was planned out so well, no one could guess, Her extra inhaler was carefully hidden away, the spare cans were destroyed, Nyrah was an early sleeper so she would be in her bed by seven, Aaron exposed the room to chlorhexidine as she slept, triggering her asthma, and we all know what happened next, no need to open up old wounds yeah?"

"My poor, poor baby, Naveen, Aaron scared the shit out of him and sent him far away, making him think he was protecting his mother and sister by doing so" Anza said as Naveen clenched his hands into fists,

"And Nevaeh? Aaron obviously suggested the boarding school in Queens" She shrugged,

"And that's all I know, let's fast-forward to the first deaths after a long while" Anza said,

"Miles says it wasn't him, Naveen says it wasn't him and Aaron is retired" Anza said,

A long pause came after as everyone in the room took several minutes to process this,

"So... If it wasn't Miles, Naveen or Aaron, who was it?" Nevaeh whispered,

"Yes... Something's not adding up" Royale murmured,

"Who killed Amaya and Willow (Anza's mother)" Janelle asked,

They started to cough as smoke filled the room,

The doors opened, the corridor was filled with smoke,

They heard the sounds of metals hitting each other,

"We did" The deep robotic like voice answered as the fog cleared,

The two other missing prototypes that Amaya had created,

They stepped back cautiously,

Aaron shielded Anza with his body,

"Who are you?" He snarled at the two,

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