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Nevaeh sighed as she watched Miles drive off with the kids,

He was making it really obvious he wanted nothing to do with her,

She wiped the tears off her face, making her way to the rooftop,

"Hey Xanthe?" She choked out between her sobs,

"Yes Nevaeh, how can I help?" It said with a pitiful sigh,

"I need to talk with someone" Nevaeh sniffled,

"Which of your friends would you like to talk to?" Xanthe asked,

"You" Nevaeh answered,

"I'm not programmed to be a friend, I'm your virtual assistant" Xanthe stated,

"You are my friend Xanthe, you've been with me through thick and thin, so what are you on about?" Nevaeh huffed,

"I'm... Your friend?" Xanthe stated in a low tone as if processing what Nevaeh just said,

"Yeah, you've helped me out of tough shit, I wouldn't have made it so far if not for you, you really think I don't know, Xanthe? I'm not stupid, that night with the Miles stuff, I know you sent him a message that I was walking home alone"

"How?" Xanthe whispered,

"Went through his phone at some point" She shrugged,

"And that time, Miles was bout to kill me, I know you used Stella to inform Janelle, Normani and Celeste"

"When I was getting choked by the mirror the first time, I know you sent Celeste to me"

"I know you break virtual codes to be with me when I'm soul shifting"

"I know you're always watching my back, I know that even today, you sent Miles up the stairs, there's no way he could have heard me screaming, the room's soundproof" Nevaeh whispered,

"I... I don't know what to say to you, Nevaeh" Xanthe said,

"Look, I know I don't say this enough but I really appreciate everything you do for me" Nevaeh whispered,

"So you are my friend and I love you, very much" She added,

"Eeewww, that's gay" Xanthe stated,

"Man, shut up before I take it back" Nevaeh laughed,

Her phone started to ring,

"What now?" She groaned,

"It's your aunt Delilah" Xanthe informed her,

Nevaeh sighed as she picked up the call, putting it on speaker,

"Yo, what's good" The woman asked,

"Sup, Didi?" Nevaeh answered,

Delilah was her aunt but the thing was that Nevaeh and Delilah grew up together, Her aunt only being four years older than her,

"Man, Mimi dragged me out to her reunion shit and now she in the toilet stalls pissing tears" Delilah complained,

"So? The fuck that gotta do with me?" Nevaeh asked,

"Come get your auntie, vro, cause  a bitch don't know how to comfort crying niggas, I finna laugh in ha face cause how a bitch gon be crying over a bald ass nigga" Delilah answered,

"What did Aaron do?" Nevaeh groaned,

"Ion know and I don't really give a fuck man, I guess they argued over some crazy shit, then he walked out, the nigga kinda dayroom" Delilah explained,

"He walked out?" Nevaeh gasped,

"Yea, he walked out on ha ass if front of everyone man, that nigga brazy" Delilah said,

NEVAEH || SPIDERMAN: ATSVحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن