"Luckily" Alex rolled over and sat up. "We have each other and Y/n gave that guy a what for! I'm officially claiming you guys as my NBF's!" He smiled.

Sam looked over to him confused. "NBF's??"

"New best friends!" Alex shrugged.

"Awe, for real?" Y/n smiled and cupped her hands together. That is adorable.

Clover struggled to sit up on his knees. "I feel the same way, I like that idea!"

"So do I." Announced Sam as he pulled some foam out from his hair. "Which is why I vote that we should stick together!"

Y/n let out a high pitched squeak when she was suddenly pulled in for a group hug from the guys. She eagerly accepted it and unfortunately forgot that they were practically still covered in yucky foam...oops Her face dropped when she felt Alex try to remove his hand from her hair. She shot him a look which made him laugh uneasily.

"I don't think this is what Sam meant when he said 'stick together' unfortunately." The girl pouted looking down at her clothes. "Ow!" She cried when Alex tried to pull away.

The teens groaned at their sticky situation as they all tried to pull away from each other. They all pulled in the opposite direction, it almost looked like they were fighting each other. With a quick snap they managed to get unstuck from each other, with the sudden force it sent them falling to the ground.

"I guess that double soy chive really thrashed our threads." Sam laughed at their experience while looking down at his own clothes.

The rest of the teens joined in at Sam's laughter, with how their day was already going they might as well try to keep in good spirits. After all, it's not like something else is going to happen that day and literally overshadow this morning's previous events like it was nothing, right?

Clover waved off Sam. "No worries, I'm totally prepped for such an unfortunate stitch." He said rather proudly and raised a brow.



Clover walked them all over to his locker. He pulled out a remote from his pocket and clicked it. The lockers started to rumble as a single locker started sliding out from against the wall. The locker slid out completely to reveal that attached to it was a dressing curtain and clothes and other accessories hanging up.

Y/n couldn't believe what she was seeing. "H-how.." she quietly mumbled, mostly to herself.

Clover smirked, feeling proud of his locker. "I have at least 10 outfits stashed in my locker"

"10 outfits?! Now that's what I call resourceful."
Sam smiled as he started walking up to it.

Clover grinned and pulled Y/n towards the clothes. "Come on girlie! I got just the outfit!"

Alex started going to the shirts that were hanging up. "Yeah Clover, you're like a one man wardrobe department." He pulled down a shirt he liked. "But before we change should we do something about Malcom?" Alex asked.

Clover rolled his eyes at the sound of Malcom's name, he handed Y/n the clothes he picked out. "Uh we'll deal with him later." Clover pushed Y/n into the changing room. "Like when he least expects it." He smirked.


After a few minutes everyone changed into fresh new clothes. All seemed well until the hallway started to shake causing them all to gasp in shock. The lockers started to shake violently.

Genderbent Totally Spies x fem readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora