5k special

210 3 9

Sorry in advance the first bit might be partially angst( but not flower husbands angst). There are some sensitive topics in this so do be thoughtful that some of the things said are actually what goes through peoples heads. So always talk to  your friends or just people who look like they are struggling.

Jimmy Pov

I woke up and yawned. Why is no one here? I thought this is where everyone was told to go. Oh well I'll just try and find everyone. I got up and started to walk out of the little ring of trees. Now that I think about it this place has a really dark vibe to it. I walked continuously through the dark forest and couldn't find the exit. I felt like something was following me so my pace started to speed up until I got so nervous I started to run. How is this forest so large? How did I even get in? I don't even remember coming in here. I felt something touch my shoulder.

???-" No one even likes you. After you came in here everyone hated you more. You have no way out. No one even likes you why do you need to leave?"

Jimmy-" Go away!"

???-" That's not a nice thing to say to a stranger."

Jimmy-" You are no stranger. I know who you are!"

???-" Oh really, then who am I."

Jimmy-" A watcher."

???-" And why do you think that?"

Jimmy-" Because you all want me dead."

???-" Great. That means I don't need to explain myself. Now how do you want to die?"

Jimmy-" I don't plan on dying until I feel like it."

???-" So the hard way it is. Fine, I'll let you out. You have 24 hours to hide, once I find you I get to kill you."

Jimmy-" How long do you get to find me?"

???-" I get 24 hours like you."

Jimmy-" Fine but only you can search and if any other watchers see me they can't tell you where I am."

???-" Fine but your 24 hours start now."

The next thing I knew I was stood outside of Scott's house it look like almost the whole server was in his house. I decided to run in and try to tell them about what happened but when I walked in they all stared at me some with eyes of confusion others with eyes of anger. But one persons face stood out to me. Scott's face was relieved when his blue eyes stared at me. He ran up to me, grabbed my hand and ran out.

Scott-" Jim! Oh my god I've missed you so much! But we have to leave lots of the others are being controlled by you know who."

Jimmy-" Great now the others want me dead too. Now I'm hiding from everything."

Scott-" What do you mean?"

Jimmy-" I'll explain later. Lets go!"

I grabbed Scott's hand and ran off. I felt like flying could give us away even more than running in the darkness of forests.  We were running until we finally got to the desert. 

Jimmy-" Well since Pix has been missing for a while so this is a safer place than anywhere else."

Scott-" Can  you explain why we are hiding now?"

Jimmy-" Right, so the Watchers are trying to kill me and gave me 24 hours to hide. They get 24 hours to find me and if they don't I get to live."

Scott-" So you are hiding from the whole server?"

Jimmy-" They are cheaters, they never follow the rules."

Scott-" So they will control the others?"

Jimmy-" Yes."

This originally wasn't  going to follow the story line but I'm just going to continue with this storyline now so you get more posts quicker.

Words- 606

Flower Husbands StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora