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Scott pov ~

 Scott was fighting in battle and suddenly he felt an arrow go through him but before he did he heard a faint

???-" SCAR NOW!"

Scott spawned back at in a random forest with flowers sprinkled around and saw a message appear in chat log.

" SolidarityGaming was shot by Skizzleman."

Scott-" What... WHAT! He can't be dead it was till death do us part, I didn't think death would come that fast." 

In the real~ world~

Scott sat up in a sudden blink and caused Jimmy to slightly wake up

Jimmy-" Scott what is it?"

Scott-" Your alive!"

Jimmy-" Of course I am why wouldn't I be."

Scott-" You died I thought you died." 

Jimmy-" I have no idea why you would think that but come on get to bed it's late."

Omg guys thank you so much for the support you have no idea how much this means to me but I am running out of motivation for this chapter but if you want some fluff, angst, smut or have a certain request I will take it. The next chapter will be coming out 10:30 GMT

words = 178

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