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Another hour had passed and Jimmy heard a knock at the door. He went down to see who it was. It was Fwhip. 

Jimmy- "What is it Fwhip?"

Fwhip- "Scotts... dead."

Jimmy-" What..? WHAT?! How, When!?"

Fwhip-" I don't know when but rocks collapsed onto him in a cave."

Jimmy-" N....no please say your joking this is a funny prank."

Jimmy started to laugh slowly and lightly but the laughs soon turned into tears.

Fwhip-" Bye Jimmy."

Jimmy closed the door shut slowly and ran upstairs crying.

Jimmy-" Why, why now ,why you, when did anyone decide that you had to be the one to die why did someone have to decide that he had to be the one to die, why couldn't I have taken your place, why can't we change it to be me, let me take his place, JUST LET  ME TAKE HIS PLACE WHY SHOULDN'T I BE ABLE TO I DESERVE TO BE DEAD MORE THAN HIM THIS ALREADY HAPPENED ONCE BEFORE WHY DID IT HAVE TO HAPPEN FOR THE SECOND TIME , WHY NOT ME, why, why, why, why, why, why, why."

Jimmy stayed in Scott's room all day laying in the bed when he heard the front door open.  Jimmy slowly walked downstairs wrapping himself in one of the blankets that were on Scott's bed. Jimmy fell before he even reached the front door and burst out in tears the person who walked him sat down in front of him and hugged him tightly .

sorry this one is short I have a lot planned for the 4th chapter though so it will come out either tomorrow or the day after past 4:00pm BST.  Good night( well at least I'm sleeping I'm not sure about all of you) bye( also 289 words wow).

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