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When Scott and Jimmy arrived at Katherine's Empire (Glimmer Grove) they saw Katherine walking down the path towards princess pier.

Katherine-" Scott, Jimmy what are you guys doing here?

Jimmy-" We are here to meet up with Lizzie and Joel."

Katherine-" But Scott swore he would never come back here ever again."

Jimmy-" What?"

Katherine-" Scott did you not tell him?"

Scott-" I don't like to bring it up as the start of a  conversation."

Katherine-" Ok bye have a fun meeting."

Jimmy-" What was she talking about?"

Scott-" I'll tell you later, look Lizzie and Joel are coming down the path now."


Lizzie had a large smile on her face and ran down the mountain up to Scott and Jimmy with Joel following close behind trying not to fall down the mountain.

Lizzie-" Jimmy, Scott how are you? Did I just miss Katherine?"

Jimmy-" We're fine and yes you did just miss Katherine."

Joel-" Scott your awfully quite, you don't seem like your normal self."

Scott-" Oh I'm fine."

Joel-" Your 100% sure?"

Scott-" Yep."

Lizzie-" Well what are we doing here?"

Jimmy-" We are going on a simple boat ride and probably gonna stay over at one of the empires."

Joel-" Ok but did you not plan which empire."

Jimmy-" We didn't get that far."

Lizzie-" What are we doing waiting around here why don't we start?"

Jimmy-" You guys start going ahead  I've just got to talk to Scott."

Lizzie+ Joel-" Ok."

I know I'm making these chapters short but I can spend more time on them now because I'm on summer holidays but they might come a bit slow still because motivation for this came in 1 week nearly and I finished most of this tonight but I will make 2 Povs of the date : The Lizzie and Joel one and The Scott and Jimmy one. Byeee and by the time this comes out thank you for over 200 reads on my story you have no idea how much it means to me 


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