8 | never grow up

Start from the beginning

Finally, the bell rang and I waddled to the door. I felt like a toddler sometimes. I had mostly just a belly, I was not really bigger in my thighs or butt. I had a big belly and my breasts had grown. Well, I have seen some women online and I can tell that I wasn't that big. I was equal to my body I would say. Mom said I looked great.

I opened the door and saw my Mom with boxes of food in her hands.

"Heyy, Mom." She put the food onto the table beside the door and I hugged her tightly.

"Hi, sweetie." I pulled away from her and went to dig into the bags of food on the table. "Good to see you too." She laughed and helped me with all the food in the kitchen.

"I am sorry but I'm really hungry." I laughed with her too and went to get the plates and all the other stuff from the cabinets.

"Did you eat anything today? I wasn't sure what to get so I got a little bit of everything." When she asked that question, I realized that I had been up for over 7 hours but the only thing I had was the bowl of cereal at midnight before I went to bed and then a coffee this morning.

Mom must had seen the look I had on my face because her facial expression also changed.

"Taylor, you have to eat."

"I am about to eat a lot." I tried to make a joke out of this but when Mom raised her eyebrow and gave me the 'Are you serious?' look, I quickly stopped. "I am eating, I promise. I woke up at 5am and just did so many things. I had a bowl of cereal around midnight and then a coffee this morning.

I think it's not a secret that I had an eating disorder, the peak during the 1989 era. And I think that every time somebody mentions something about it, my family and close friends get alerted when that happens.

We both loaded up our plates and started eating while chit-chatting. Mom really went all out with the food. There was Mexican tacos, Chinese noodles... probably everything you can think about.

I dove into the huge pile of food on my plate and everything was sunshine and rainbows until I got another one of the pains. But that time, I really had to stop everything and breathe through it. I put a hand at the top of my stomach and the other one gripping the end of the table tightly. It still wasn't bad but I had to stop and breathe through.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked, worry in her voice. I just nodded and quickly glanced at the clock to see when was the last one. About 7 minutes later. "Are you sure?" The pain ended so I was able to function properly again.

"Yeah, it's just Braxton Hicks." I tried to brush it off and dug into the delicious food in front of me.

"Did you take a hot shower?"

"I did. A short one before you came." She gave me the knowing look again and I just stuffed my mouth more.

"You are gonna take another one when we finish with this." I rolled my eyes after she said that and she snapped back at me immediately. "Don't roll your eyes at me. You could be going into labor."

"I'm just at the beginning of 36 weeks. And they are not that bad."

I lost the fight. When we finished the food, my Mom personally dragged me to the en-suite bathroom attached to my bedroom and forced me to take a shower.

I took another hot, long shower while Mom cleaned up the mess we made with lunch even though I told her not to do it.

I was in the shower for a while, at least 15 minutes until I got out. The hot water was just easing up my tensed and swollen muscles and it felt so relaxing.

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