Marta ~ Caro

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Marta's POV:

"Hola cariño, necesitas despertar querida, estamos a punto de aterrizar", (Hello sweetheart, you need to get up now, we're about to land), I gently shook Heidi's shoulder.  She mumbled and rolled over, cuddling her face into Caro's stomach.  "Kom igjen kjære, på tide å våkne" (Come on sweetheart, time to wake up), Cato softly said, lifting Heidi up and settling her back in her seat in between us both.  Estoy cansada Mama" (I'm tired Mama), Heidi mumbled , sitting back in her seat, and looking up at me.  I smiled softly and buckled her back into her seat. 

As the plane began to descend Caro pointed out the window to Heidi, to keep her entertained.   Once we landed and the seatbelt sign was off, I stood up and started getting ready.  Caro continued to keep Heidi entertained.  I handed her her jacket and then stood Heidi up on her seat and got her into her jacket, hat, scarf and gloves.  Once the doors opened I picked Heidi up and settled her on my hip.  I grabbed my bag, while Caro grabbed the remaining stuff and we slowly made our way off the plane. 

We queued amongst the other passengers waiting to get through Passport Control.  I held Heidi on my hip as she looked around at everyone around us.  "Hun er så søt, hva heter hun ?" (She is so cute, what is her name ?),  a woman in the queue behind us asked me.  I turned around and nudged Caro, hoping she would translate.   Although I knew a good bit of Norwegian, when people spoke to quickly I couldn't quite grasp what they were saying.  "Takk hun heter Heidi"(Thank you, her name is Heidi), Caro smiled at the woman, and upon hearing her name, Heidi buried her into my chest, not liking the attention on her.  The woman nodded and plucked up a conversation with Caro.  I smiled and nodded for the first 2 minutes but then Heidi tugged on my jacket and looked up at me.  "Quiero mami" (want mommy), pointing over at Caro as she spoke. "Mami está hablando con alguien en este momento" (Mommy is talking to someone right now), I answered.  But Heidi didn't seem to care, and continued pointing at Caro, and then leaned over, to try and reach Caro.  I nudged Caro and nodded to the 3 year old in my arms wanting to be held by her. "Hola cariño" (Hi sweetheart), Caro smiled widely at her, as she took Heidi from me.  "Du snakker spansk til henne" (You speak Spanish to her), the woman whom Caro had been speaking to, piped up. "Ja jeg og min kone bor i Spania med datteren vår, så hennes førstespråk er Spansk" (Yes, me and my wife live in Spain with our daughter, so her first language is Spanish), Caro explained to the woman, who seemed surprised that Caro was speaking Spanish to Heidi. 

We had slowly moved up the queue until now we were next in line.  Just before the woman could reply, it was our turn to go.  We waved a goodbye and went over to the counter.  Caro handed our passports to the officer and stood waiting.  "Marta Torrejón", the officer called out.  "Yes, that is me", I replied in English.  He looked me up and down and then called out "Heidi Torrejón Hansen", Heidi hid her face in Caro's neck, but we had to coax her to look at the man.  He grunted and then last but not least called out "Caroline Graham Hansen", Caro nodded and the man looked her up and down and then finally handed us back our passports and we grabbed our bags and headed through to baggage claim. 

Unfortunately for us, the woman who had been in the queue in passport control stood beside us, as we waited for our suitcases. "Kan hun ingen norsk" (Does she not know any Norwegian), the woman spoke up, looking over at Heidi, who was messing with the zip on Caro's jacket.  I sighed quietly to myself, 'why wouldn't this woman leave us alone', I thought to myself.  Caro being as polite and kind as she always is replied "Hun lærer, hun forstår det bedre enn hun kan snakke det" (she is learning, she understands it better than she speaks it). The woman nodded with a slight frown on her face.  Thankfully the suitcases started to arrive and I spotted Caro's suitcase first.  I nudged her and pointed out her suitcase "No to preocupes, no harè que lo entiendas, especialmente con nuestra hija en tus brazos, solo te estaba avisando que viene" (Don't worry I won't make you get it, especially with our child in your arms, I was just letting you know it's coming).  Caro chuckled and nodded.  I headed over to get Caro's suitcase and took Heidi's suitcase off the baggage belt once I spotted it.  I grabbed a trolley and loaded the suitcases and bags into it.  I wheeled the trolley back over to Caro, just in time to hear the woman pipe up again "Jeg synes bare hun burde snakke norsk like mye som spansk hvis du er moren hennes"(I just think she should speak Norwegian as equally as Spanish if you are her mother). That's where Caro dropped the politeness and turned to the woman. She quickly covered her hands over Heidi's ear so she couldn't hear anything. "Min kone er spansk og vi bor i Spania, det er ikke din sak hvilket språk datteren vår snakker, nå hvis du ikke har noe imot, tror jeg det ville vært bedre om du lot oss være i fred" (My wife is Spanish, and we live in Spain, it is none of your business what language our daughter speaks more, now if you don't mind I think it would be better if you left us alone).  The woman gasped at the slight change of tone in Caro's voice.  Heidi who was oblivious to the situation, perked up "Mami tengo hambre" (mommy, I'm hungry).  I had just spotted my suitcase so I headed over to grab it and put it on the trolley.  Thankfully the woman listened to Caro's words and moved elsewhere.   I nudged Caro and said "Ya podemos irnos, tenemos nuestro equipaje" (we can go now, we've got all our luggage).  Caro nodded and she asked "¿Quieres que empuje el carrito o tú ?" (do you want me to push the trolley or do you want to),  I shook my head and replied "No te preocupes, soy lo suficientemente fuerte comp para empujarlo" (don't worry I'm strong enough to push it).  Caro chuckled at me and walked beside me with Heidi in her arms, who was pointing out all the things she could see to Caro.  We got out to the arrivals hall and I spotted Caro's mum stood waiting for us.  I nudged Caro and she leaned down to Heidi and said "Mira quien esta ahí" (look who's there), pointing to her mum, who had spotted us and was waving excitedly to us. "Momo !!"(Nana !!), Heidi squealed and started wriggling in Caro's arms to get down.  Caro let her down when we were close enough, that she wouldn't run into someone.  We watched as our daughter raced over and jumped into Caro's mums arms.  We made our way over and were wrapped into hugs from the rest of the family.  I watched as Heidi squealed and giggled at something Caro's dad was telling her.  Caro came over as her mum lead us out to their car.  Her dad pushing the trolley, with Heidi sat on top of the trolley giggling. "Creo que estamos haciendo un buen trabajo criándola en España, no importa lo que digan de nosotras, ambos podemos ver lo feliz que es" (I think we're doing a pretty good job bringing her up in Spain, no matter what anyone says to us, we can both see how happy she is), Caro told me as she took my hand and intertwined our fingers.  I nodded and squeezed our intertwined hands "Sé que lo somos, jeg elsker deg" (I know we are, I love you). "Yo también te amo" (I love you too), Caro replied lifting our hands and placing a gentle kiss to the back of my hand as we walked to the car.

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