Danielle ~ Ellie

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A request by xgabriellaxx
Hope you like it 🥰

Danielle's POV:

I woke up pretty early this morning.  I didn't know why I had woken up, so I tried to get comfy again and that's when I felt a twinge in my stomach.  I stopped moving and felt another twinge in my stomach.  I looked over to Ellie who was fast asleep beside me.  I carefully got out of the bed and quietly pattered into the bathroom.  I gently closed the door and flicked on the mirror light.  It blinded me slightly but then my eyes adjusted and I opened the bathroom cabinet.  I pulled out a painkiller and then put the packet back in the cabinet.  I knew I needed to eat before taking the painkiller, but I didn't want to go into the kitchen to make myself something, I just wanted to sleep.  That's when I felt myself heave and I immediately turned around and heaved into the toilet.  Once I felt like I had gotten most of whatever it was out of my system, I flushed the toilet and swished some mouthwash around my mouth, to get rid of the smell and taste.  After getting sick, the twinges had stopped so I decided I didn't need the painkiller and got rid of it.  I turned off the light and left the bathroom, crawling back into bed and cuddling up to Ellie, almost immediately falling asleep again. 

I didn't wake up again until I felt Ellie tracing her fingers up and down my arm.  I smiled and the gently opened my eyes, to be met by my gorgeous fiancée smiling gently at me.  I leaned closer and pressed my lips to hers.  "Good morning", Ellie mumbled against my lips.  I hummed before capturing her lips again.  We lay in bed for a few more minutes, before we both knew it was time to get up for training.  Ellie got out of bed first and went into the bathroom to get ready first.  I lay in bed, still feeling really tired, but I just put it down to my unfortunate early morning wake up I had had.  I got out of bed and made my way to the wardrobe picking out an outfit before slowly getting changed.  Ellie came out of the bathroom fully dressed and said "I'll go make us breakfast", I nodded but as soon as she had left the room, I quickly pottered into the bathroom.  I knelt in front of the toilet, just waiting for anything to happen.  As soon as Ellie had mentioned food, I felt my stomach heave, and the all too familiar feeling of about to be sick came back.  I had been feeling so off lately, I was always tired, I sometimes randomly cried, and now I was getting sick, especially in the morning.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong, but thankfully I had been able to hide all of this away from Ellie, because she'd just be overly worried and make me see a doctor, and I knew that whatever was wrong, I definitely didn't need a doctor.

Once I felt like the wave of nausea had passed I left the bathroom and made my way down the stairs. Ellie was just plating up avocado and toast. I smiled over at her and sat down. "What would you like to drink ?", Ellie asked. "I'll just have water please ?", I asked, picking up my fork and starting to eat my breakfast. Ellie nodded and handed me a glass of water before sitting down beside me at the kitchen counter. We chatted while we ate our breakfast before we realised the time, and quickly got a move on. I decided to drive this morning and grabbed my keys, as we headed out the door. I drove us to training and pulled into the car park. We both got out of the car and grabbed our bags. I held the door open for Ellie who kissed me quickly as she passed by. We headed into the changing rooms to change into our training gear. I started chatting to Vanessa and Lindsey. 

It was soon time to head to the gym.  I walked with Lindsey beside me.  Once we arrived in the gym we both went over to the treadmills.  I hopped on and got going on a jog.  After about 10 minutes I started to get the all too familiar feeling of nausea, so I took a break.  Lindsey chuckled and said "you can't tell me you're tired now Daan, it's only been about 10 minutes".  I smiled and stood with my hands on my hips, just trying to breathe.  That's when I felt a wave of nausea hit me, and as unnoticeable as I tried I slipped out of the gym and darted for the bathroom.  What I hadn't realised was that Lindsey had followed me, and that's who was rubbing circles on my back as I poured my guts out into the toilet.  When I was finished I stood back up and leant against the cubicle door.  Lindsey loooked at me uncertainly and asked "what's wrong ?", I shrugged my shoulders and then replied "I don't know, I've been feeling off lately, I've been really tired even after getting like 10 hours sleep, and now I've started getting sick, I woke up really early this morning to get sick, I have no idea why".  Lindsey listened and then said "do you think ... maybe you could be ... pregnant ?".  I looked at her wide eyed, why hadn't I thought of that.  Me and Ellie had started the IVF journey a few weeks ago, but I had totally forgotten about it.  I looked over at Lindsey, and replied quietly "maybe". 

Lindsey immediately pulled me out of the cubicle and said "you need to get a test and find out". I nodded and then replied "well I can't do that right now, we've got training, and if we don't get back to the gym now, everyone will know somethings up".  Lindsey nodded and I fixed myself in the mirror and we both left hehe bathroom and headed back to the gym. Thankfully no one asked us anything and we continued with our gym session, but I noticed Lindsey keeping a very close eye on me.

After our gym session we had lunch, I looked at the food options and unfortunately felt the wave of nausea building up again. I glanced at Lindsey and she whispered "you've got to eat something or else everyone will know somethings up". I nodded and grabbed a plate, and started filling it up, ignoring the nauseous feeling in my stomach. During lunch I picked at my food, but knew I had to eat something not even because people would figure out somethings wrong but also for my own health and the health of the possible baby I could be carrying.
After lunch, we headed to the pitch and did a light raining session, because we had a game the next day. Thankfully throughout the training session, my stomach had calmed down and I was able to participate.

After training, I quickly got changed and me and Lindsey announced our quick departure. I told Ellie "me and Lindsey have to get something, you drive home and I'll be back as quick as I can, I love you". Ellie accepted my random reply and kissed me goodbye. I rushed to Lindsey's car and she drove us to a pharmacy, and then to her apartment. She rushed me into the bathroom and told me to take it. My brain was on autopilot taking the test, and it wasn't until the timer went off signalling that I could look did I start to freak out. Lindsey opened the door and grabbed my shoulders giving me a little shake and said "Daan, it's going to be fine, whatever happens it'll fine, now do you want to look or will I ?". I nodded and grabbed the stick. I slowly turned it over and gasped. Lindsey pulled me in for a hug and glimpsed at the test. "Congrats, you and Ellie will make amazing parents". I smiled and than finally spoke up and said "I need to tell Ellie". Lindsey nodded and rushed me out the door to her car with the test in my pocket.

Once Lindsey had dropped me home, I stood outside my apartment, one hand wrapped around the test in my pocket and the other holding my training bag and keys in the other.  I opened the door and placed my bag down in the hallway.  I took off my shoes and than began walking into the apartment. I found Ellie sorting out laundry in our bedroom.  I sat down on the bed and Ellie immediately stopped with the laundry and came and sat next to me.  "Hey", I quietly said.  "Hey lieverd", Ellie replied, matching my tone and looking at me lovingly.  "I need to tell you something", I basically whispered.  Ellie nodded and took one of my hands, and rubbed her thumb over my knuckle.  "I ... uh ... I think it's better if I show you instead", I began.  Ellie nodded but raised her eyebrows in curiosity.  I gripped the rest in my hand in my pocket, and slowly pulled it out and dropped it on Ellie's lap.  She looked down and gasped.  "Please tell me you're being serious", Ellie whispered, looking up at me with a smile on her face and that's when I started to cry, nodding my head.  Ellie pulled me into a tight hug, and whispered sweet nothings into my ear.  I pulled away and said "we're going to be parents".  Ellie chuckled, with tears of joy rolling down her face, before she leaned in and captured my lips in a passionate kiss, full of joy and love. 

1631 words

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