Lia Wälti

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Claudia POV:

"Caity !!", I squealed, when me and Mama walked into the training centre.  I let go of Mama's hand and ran over to Caity.   I giggled when Caity picked me up and tickled me.  She settled me on her hip and then I turned to Katie beside.  I waved at her from my spot in Caity's arms.  "Hi", I heard and turned to see Mama and Leah stood beside us.  "Hi mama", I said waving over at her.  "Hi Clo", Mama smiled over at me, she then turned to Caity and asked her "you want me to take her back ?", Caity shook her head and then looked at me "don't worry she's good". Mama nodded and then walked away with Leah. I turned in Caity's arms and asked "Caity, I miss you", Caity smiled gently and then said "I miss you too, but I see you all the time just not at home anymore, but you get to see Leah a lot more now", she replied. I shook my head and nestled it into her chest. "I don't want Leah, I want you", Caity didn't say anything she just rubbed her hand up and down my back.

She walked with Katie into the gym. She let me down and while all the girls did stuff, I roamed around the place, talking to whomever I met. Mama gave me a football, so I went around kicking it with whoever would play with me. It was soon time for lunch, and Mama picked me up, tickling me, before carrying me to the canteen. She let me down once she had gotten me a plate of food. I ate some of it, before getting down from my chair and going in search of Caity. I found her and clambered onto her lap. She helped me up and then gave me some of her lunch.

After lunch, the girls and Mama had to go to the pitch and play football. I sat near the sub bench and played with my toys.  I liked watching Mama and all the girls play, they looked so happy.  I continued to play with my toys before I noticed the girls going inside.  I spotted Mama and Leah coming over to me.  I stayed sitting until Mama said "come here Clo", I leaped up and raced over to her.  She picked me up and tickled me "mama stop", I giggled.  She stopped and put me back down on the grass, as she went to get my bag of toys and

Leah leaned down and asked "did you have fun playing with your toys ?", I nodded and then looked around the grass "where's Caity ?", I asked Leah, just as Mam came over and took my hand as we headed inside.  "Caitlin had to go home, but she told me to tell you she'll see you tomorrow", Mama told me.  I stopped walking and frowned.  Mama tried to tug on my hand to keep me walking but I dropped it and said "I want to see Caity now".  Mama shook her head and replied "you can't see Caity now, she had to go home, but you'll see her tomorrow, just like we have to go home now".  "No", I replied sitting down on the ground.  Mama sighed and looked at Leah.  "Would you be able to pick her up and carry her to the car, it'll be quicker ?", Leah nodded and leaned down and picked me up.  I started kicking and screaming "No, I want Caity, you're not my mommy, I want my mommy !!".  Leah kept me in her arms no matter how much I screamed and kicked.  She put me into my car seat and quickly buckled me in.  Mama got into the drivers seat in front of me and Leah got in beside her.  I continued to scream, cry and kick Mama's seat all the way home.

When we got home, Mama picked me up and carried me inside and sat me on the bottom stair. She kneeled down and said "you're going to sit here for 5 minutes, because we do not hit or scream at people, stay here until I come to get you, and if you move you'll sit here even longer, do you understand ?", I nodded.

The 5 minutes felt like 5 hours. I could hear Mama talking to Leah in the kitchen but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I know I shouldn't kick people or scream, but I didn't want Leah, I wanted Caity. Ages ago Caity moved all of her stuff out of the house and stopped talking to Mama, she never came around and I missed her. I don't understand why, was it something I did, was I bold ?. Then after the World Cup, Leah started coming around a lot more than she usually would, then she started staying overnight. Mama is a lot happier when Leah's here, but I don't understand why Leah keeps coming around. She's nice but she's not Caity.

Mama eventually came over and crouched down in front of me. "Do you have something to say ?", she asked me, looking over at me. I nodded my head and quietly spoke up "I'm sorry Mama". Mama nodded and then opened her arms up, I rushed into them, wanting a cuddle. Mama stood up with me in her arms. She walked us I got he kitchen where Leah was stood making dinner. "You need to say sorry to Leah too", Mama whispered to me. I nodded slowly and Mama put me down on the floor. I slowly walked over to Leah and tapped her arm. She turned around and looked down at me. She crouched down and looked over at me, "I'm sorry I kicked and screamed at you", I muttered, looking at Leah. She nodded and said "thank you for saying sorry", and then she stood up and turned back to the dinner. I raced over to Mama and reached my hands up. Mama picked me up and then I asked her "why doesn't Caity come here anymore ?". Mama sighed and sat down at the table with me on her lap. "Caity doesn't live here anymore remember ?", Mama replied. "But why doesn't she ?", Mama sighed again and said "Caity and Mama don't love each other anymore, so Caity doesn't live here anymore, she lives in her own house". "Why don't you love Caity anymore ?", I asked. Mama didn't say anything for a second before she replied "We just don't, but you can still love her, that's ok, it just means that Caity won't live here, but you'll still see her", I nodded, happy that I would still see Caity and then hopped off Mama's lap and went over to Leah. I tapped her leg again. She looked down at me, and I reached my hands up. I watched as she looked over at Mama, and Mama nodded and smiled. Leah bent down and picked me up. "What's for dinner ?", I asked, looking at the pot in front of us, and tried to figure out what it was. Leah smiled and replied "we're having pasta with pesto".  I nodded and looked around at the food in front of me, while Leah held me on her hip.  I stayed there while Leah made us dinner.  I lay my head on Leah's shoulder, watching her make dinner,  Mama came over and wrapped her arms around me and Leah.  "Mama, go away, my Leah time", I mumbled.  Mama and Leah laughed at me and Mama walked away to set the table. 

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