Mewis ~ Kerr

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A requested one shot by @drxgzafterscx

Kristie's POV:

I grabbed the suitcase from behind the door and started sorting out what clothes I was bringing, and sorted them into piles.  As I was looking at what shoes to bring I heard two feet running down the hallway.  I turned to the door as I heard it open.  "Mommy!!", Anna squealed as she rushed in, jumping up and down beside me.  I pulled her into a hug, picking her up in the process.  She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck squeezing tight.  "Hi Anna, did you have a good time with Auntie Sam ?", Ia asked her as she released her arms from around my neck and oooked at me grinning.  She eagerly nodded her head and then looked around the room, instantly spotting the suitcase and clothes on the bed.  "Where are you going ?", she asked curiously.  I let her down and replied "I thought we'd go see Mum's game, what do ya think ?", "yeah !!!", Anna screamed and raced back out the room to I presumed tell my sister Sam. 

I followed after her and greeted my sister.   My sister listened eagerly as my daughter enthusiastically told her about our surprise trip.  Sam turned to me and asked "does Sam know you're coming to her game ?".  I shook my head and smiled.  Sam then asked "what time's your flight at ?", I replied, "7am tomorrow morning", carefully watching my 6 year old daughter, trying to reach the snacks cupboard.  I walked over and picked her up and asked her "what do ya think you're doing young lady ?", tickling her.  She squirmed in my arms and answered "I want a snack Mommy". "We're having dinner soon, if you eat a snack you won't be hungry", I explained to her. She grumbled and I let her down. She ran off to her room to presumably play with her toys, while I made a start on dinner. Sam said a goodbye to me and went off to say goodbye to Anna, before heading out the front door.

Once dinner was ready I went to find Anna.  I found her in her room, rooting through her wardrobe, making a mess as clothes were all over the floor and bed.  "Anna, what in the world are you doing ?", I asked her. She whipped her head and then answered like it was obvious "packing my bag to go see mumma", I chuckled and then replied "we can do that together once you've eaten your dinner". Anna nodded her head and walked past me down the stairs to eat her dinner.

Once I'd cleaned up after dinner, I went back upstairs to finish my packing and to help Anna with hers. I finished my own packing pretty quickly and then went into Anna's room, which was even messier than before. "Right, let's sort out all this mess", I announced. I started picking up the clothes and putting them back in the wardrobe with the help of Anna. Once that was done I grabbed her suitcase from my room and started picking out some clothes with Anna's agreements and neatly packed them. Once the suitcase was packed I put it out in the hallway and then turned to Anna and told her to get ready for bed. I went into my room and got ready for bed myself despite it only being 7:30pm, we had an early flight in the morning and we'd need to be at the airport even earlier. Once I was ready I went back into Anna's room and tucked her into bed, and said goodnight. I went into my own room and set my alarm for 3am, just to be on the safe side, and then replied to a few texts before flicking off the light and going to sleep.

The alarm went off at 3am, waking me up, as I shut it off and sitting up in bed. It felt like I had just closed my eyes, and the alarm had gone off. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and got out of bed. I got changed it my comfy tracksuit and did my hair and skincare. I then carried both suitcases downstairs and then headed back upstairs to wake Anna up. I quietly opened her bedroom door and then got her outfit out, before going over to bed and gently shaking her. She grumbled and moaned, trying to go back to sleep, but I persisted to shake her gently. She slowly opened her eyes slightly and mumbled "no mommy, I'm tired", I sighed and picked her up and started to help her get changed, still half-asleep. I carried her into the bathroom and let her go toilet, before I started to brush her hair and pull it into a ponytail. I then led her downstairs and sat her down on the couch where she immediately dozed off. I ordered a taxi and grabbed a few snacks from the cupboard, deciding we'd eat breakfast at the airport. I picked Anna off the couch and wheeled both suitcases to the front door, just as the taxi pulled up. The taxi driver took both suitcases from me, as I grabbed our jackets and my bag, with some of Anna's stuff inside, and locked the front door behind me.

All the way to the airport Anna slept on my lap. As we pulled up to the airport, I nudged her awake. She carefully got out of the taxi while I paid the driver and got our luggage, and then she held my hand as I put both suitcases on a trolley. I checked our bags in and then led Anna to security. Once we through security, I looked around for a cafe and spotted Starbucks. I walked holding Anna's hand over to Starbucks. As we queued, Anna leaned into me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I rubbed circles on her shoulders. I ordered a coffee for me, an orange juice for Anna and two sandwiches. As we stood waiting for our food and drinks, two young girls came up to us and asked me for a picture. Anna stood to the side and I smiled as they took photos with me, before I politely excused myself to collect our stuff from the counter and led Anna to a table. We are our food and Anna talked to me about her day with my sister yesterday. As I heard our gate being announced, Anna asked me "Mommy, will we ever live in the same house as Mumma ?". I looked over at her and then pulled out my chair and patted my lap, indicating to her to sit on my lap. She hopped up and looked up at me. "Soon, we'll live in the same house as Mumma, and we'll have so much fun", I replied. My answer seemed to satisfy Anna as she nodded and smiled. I stood up with her in my arms and grabbed my bag, and started walking to our gate.

We had to sit at our gate for a little while before we were able to board the plane. I had booked us into First class, to avoid a lot of fans bothering us, because I knew Anna wasn't the biggest fan of lots of strangers coming up to me or Sam. 

After takeoff, Anna and I watched some movies and halfway through her movie Anna fell asleep.  I paused her movie and continued watching mine.  It felt like forever till we landed in London.  I stood up and took Anna's hand and led her off the plane.   We both stood at baggage claim, waiting for our luggage.  Anna just danced around me while we waited.  Eventually we grabbed our luggage and I led us both outside where I hailed a taxi down and told the driver the address to Sam's apartment.   The taxi weaved through the busy streets of London.  I shuddered eat the thought of having to drive through these busy narrow streets.  We soon pulled up to Sam's apartment and I paid and thanked the driver.  I led Anna into the lift, hauling our suitcase in with us.  We got out and I opened the door to Sam's apartment with the spare key I had.  I parked our suitcases in the hallway as Anna raced into the apartment, jumping onto Sam's bed.  I followed behind her and began to tickle her.  Anna asked between giggles "where's mumma ?", "she's gone to her game, which is where we need to go", I explained to her.  Anna raced out of my arms to her suitcase and pulled it into the room.  "Mommy I need to put my jersey on".  I chuckled at her and helped her get her jersey out of her suitcase.  I went to my own suitcase and pulled out my jersey for Sam.

Once we were ready, we headed out the door, as I got a text saying our taxi had arrived, and I held Anna's hand as we got into the taxi. The taxi drove us to Stamford Bridge. I paid and thanked the driver as we got out. Anna stayed close to me as fans cheered at our arrival, having spotted me and trying to come closer. Anna tugged on my hand and I looked down at her "mommy, can you carry me ?", Anna asked, reaching her arms up. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around me, holding on tight and pushing her head into the crook of my neck. I held her up in my arms as I made my way to the family section for players. I carried Anna to our seats and she turned around in my lap just in time to see both teams heading onto the pitch. Sam looked up and instantly spotted us. A smile crept onto her face, and Anna started waving madly at her, causing Sam to grin, before she went right back into game mode.

Skip to after the game

After the game the players walked around the pitch, thanking thre fans and celebrating the win. After the players had headed into the changing room, they started to filter into the player/family section. Anna kept trying to spot Sam, and when she did, she raced over and jumped into Sam's arms squealing "mumma". Sam held her tightly as I walked over to them both. Sam pulled me into her side, kissing the top of my head and then asking "when did you get here ?", I chuckled and then answered "earlier this afternoon, we came to surprise you". Sam smiled and gave me a very quick kiss, before turning to Anna and saying "I loved my surprise thank you for coming Anna banana". Anna giggled at the nickname and cuddled into Sam's chest. Sam led us out to her car, and much to Anna's dismay, she had to sit in the back, while I sat in the front with Sam driving. Sam drives us back to her apartment, while we caught each other up on everything, and I smiled as Anna exaggerated the time it took to get to London, while Sam intently listened, while still concentrating on the road. These were the moments I loved, such simple little moments, that meant the world to me.

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