The emerald forest pt.2

Start from the beginning

"She'll be fine" Ruby responded.

"She's falling." Ren informed.

Suddenly, the blonde knight leaped out of the tree and caught the girl, unfortunately for him, he just served as a cushion for her fall.

"My hero" the girl remarked sarcastically.

"My back" Tobey magui- I mean the blond knight groaned.

"Great! The gangs all here! Now we can die together!" Yang pessimistically exclaimed.

"Finally the sweet release of death." I said quietly, making Blake look at me concerned, how she heard me I may never know.

"Not if I can help it." Ruby said heroically.

She shot her...scythe? And charged towards the scorpion. When they clashed, the Grimm swiped at her with its claw and knocked her back.

"D-Don't worry! Totally fine" she said clumsily.

She shoots the thing again and ran away from it, sheathing her scythe...gun...thing. While the Grimm pursues her.

While running towards us, the bird flaps its wings and launches a bunch of feathers towards us. I block a few with my shield while the others evade. Meanwhile Ruby's cloak got caught by one of the feathers.

"RUBY! GET OUT OF THERE!" Yang called to her sister.

"I'm trying!" Ruby called back.

Ruby tugged at her cape while the scorpion approached, when its stinger was about to stab her, I decided to do something.

I charged towards it leaping and cutting its stinger setting it ablaze.

"GO!" I ordered. "Our objective is in arms reach! Just grab a chess piece and run! I'll catch up!"

"O- OK!" Ruby got her cape free and rushed to the others.

"Our mission is to grab the artifacts and head to the cliff! Go!" Ruby ordered.

"Run and live! Now that's a plan I can get behind!" The blond knight exclaimed.

The group got their pieces and Ruby leaped onto a rock and motioned everyone to the cliff. Meanwhile, the Scorpion managed to extinguish the fire and was now swiping at me, with me barely blocking.

"SHIT! My shields low! I have to go on the offensive" I thought.

I leapt backwards throwing a potion of weakness at the Grimm weakening it. I then took out a potion of swiftness and a potion of strength splashing them onto the ground. I proceeded to fight with a hit and run tactic, speeding past it and slashing it with all my might.

I decided it was time to end this fight, pulling out a firework, loading it into my crossbow and launching it, I watch as it splits into three fireworks and blows up the scorpion. I turn around and begin to run towards the cliff. Halfway through, my potions lose their effects and suddenly, the scorpion emerged from the bushes, now missing its stinger and left arm.

In a matter of seconds it swipes at me, launching me to the face of the cliff, where the others were fighting. I decided enough was enough, bringing up my inventory, I put an item into the hotbar and pressed its icon, revealing the axe of peace.

I put both my arms on the large axe and swung it with all my might. A river of whatever these things use as blood stained the ground as its last remaining claw is disconnected from its body. It screech's in fear which attracts the others to my position, I reassure them that I've got this by giving them a nod which Ruby returns. I then raise the axe of peace high into the air before splitting the head of the creature of Grimm in half.

Realizing I was exhausted and covered in rapidly disintegrating Grimm blood I decide to relax and watch my future team kill the bird. I decide to help in their final Hail Mary by giving Ruby something.

"Hey! Ruby!"

"You? Can't you see we're trying to do something here?" The girl in white rudely said.

"Jeez I just wanted to give something to Ruby to help in this plan of yours." I proceed to splash Ruby with a potion of swiftness. "That should help with your speed"

"OHMAHGODTHANKYOUIFEELAMAZING!!" Ruby said rapidly, the potion immediately taking effect.

Suddenly Ruby was launched across the gap between the forest and cliff. She pinned the giant bird (which using my scroll I found out was called a nevermore.) with her scythe before running up the mountain with it still on her scythe. The potion of swiftness I gave her made her run up the cliff side in a blink of an eye (literally) and when she reached the top she shot her scythe-gun and decapitated it, in spectacular and brutal fashion I might add.

"...Holy sh-"


"Wait.." I said feeling like I forgot something.

"What is it?" Yang asked.

"Oh no.."


"I forgot to grab a relic..."
"Jaune arc, Lie ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie.
You four retrieved the white rook pieces, from this day on you will be known as team JNPR, led by...Jaune Arc!"

"Huh? Led by..?"

"Congratulations young man."

Pyrrha gave jaune a friendly jab on the shoulder which inadvertently knocked jaune down. Shortly after it was our turn, and I solemnly looked down as I hadn't gotten a relic and would probably be expelled. Yang knew this, so she tried to cheer me up.

"Hey, Michael, it's ok, I'm sure they're gonna let you stay. I mean SURELY they saw how awesome you were on the field, right?"

"Heh..yea....maybe." I answered.

"I'm sorry uncle, I couldn't make you proud." I thought.

"And second to last: Ruby rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang xiao-long. You four retrieved the white knight pieces, from this day on you will be known as team RWBBY, led by...Ruby Rose!"

Weiss seemed surprised, Blake didn't seem to care and was more focused on the screen, and Yang was of course ecstatic, immediately entrapping her sister in a bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you!" Yang exclaimed.

"Um.. professor Ozpin? You listed off 4 students, but there are 5 on screen, did you make a mistake?" Blake asked, I looked at the screen displaying the teams and I noticed an extra "B" next to Blake's along with a blank picture.

"No ms. Belladonna, that was not a a mistake. For you see, for the first time in the history of this school, there has been an odd number of students. Because of this, for the first time in history, there will be a 5 man team!"

Immediately the sea of students began to whisper and murmur. I also theorized who this could be, thinking who else had a name starting with "B", I slowly realized who this could be.

" shit." I realized who it was.

Ozpin finally confirmed my theory. "Michael Beloved. Six years ago your uncle managed to reserve a place for you in my school, this made it so that this year would have an odd number of students. This also meant that you would be the fifth member of team RWWBY!" The originally blank picture on the screen then turned into a picture of me as I took my place on the stage.

"Hell yeah dude! I told you they wouldn't let you leave!" Yang said

"Heh, yeah...I guess you're right."
(3rd person POV)
Michael closed his diary and placed it in the book shelf above his sleeping bag. He had been writing for a few hours and he finally decided to sleep. Before closing his eyes, he smiled knowing a new chapter of his life has begun, and that he could start to forget about his past after so many painful years.

"Never mind uncle, you're still proud of me."

To be continued

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