Sweat beads took birth at my forehead, neck and palms, my feet turning cold.

"I heard you have an interesting habit of counting the number of men that f**ked you. Troublesome, I say.", he scowled loudly.

I gulped slowly so as to not make a sound.

"But, don't worry, I will break this stupid habit of yours right this moment.", he sneered.

I whimpered, scared, tears pooling in my eyes.

"Right now, so many men are going to f**k you so hard that you'll lose all senses, let alone that stupid count. You'll also lose that arrogant dream of escaping my clutches.", he let out angrily, his hand clutching my hair in a tight grip.

I gasped at the sharp pain in my scalp, breathing heavily.

Before I knew it, he shoved me down onto the mattress.

When I turned around, his face came into my view, the weight of his body pressing my lower half into the rundown mattress.

Slowly, one by one, I could see the silhouettes of a few other men surrounding me.


Give up.

Say sorry.

Accept reality.

Submit yourself.


My brain yelled at me, terrified, my body trembling uncontrollably, fearful tears flowing down my cheeks, sweat drenching the thin gown, the cloth sticking to my skin.

Bringing his face over my own, he glared into my eyes.

The promise, the warning, the doom was frighteningly evident in his eyes.




All my instincts were screaming.

My lips parted to comply.

But before any sound could leave my throat, I halted.

And before I could think of anything, I could feel multiple hands invading parts of my body that were the most private areas of a woman's authority.

They stripped the gown off me, leaving me vulnerable to their disgusting eyes.

With each invasion, they stripped me emotionally and mentally, they stripped me of my dignity, of my confidence, of my sanity.

I screamed.

I struggled.

I cried.

The excruciating pain at my nether region, the pain of nails scratching my skin, teeth biting my flesh, they kept me awake, they kept me conscious of every move, every humiliation and every wound that scarred my soul.

Amidst the pain and humiliation draining my strength, his loud, condescending voice invaded my ears,

"Do you now, finally, feel like a true wh**e!"


I jolted up, awake, at the words, panic engulfing me in its embrace.

Instinctively, I pushed the comforter off my body, rushed out of the bed, stumbling a little, and hurried towards the washroom.

As soon as I stepped into the bathroom, I closed the door shut and locked it hastily, my heart beating terribly fast and loud.

MELTING A FROZEN HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now