Start from the beginning

A thought gushed through your mind, "Oh, I have to attend the board members and partners." You muttered when Taehyung looked at you, "You don't have to. I have asked Secretary Wang, he would attend them well." Taehyung ceased.

You looked at him with your soft eyes, "I don't know whatever happened to me and whatever is happening with me but all I know is that the man standing next to me is the best thing that has happened to me in my whole life." You thought.

You stretched your hand as you held his hand from which he was holding yours, making him halt on his position as he turned his head to you to take a glance. He looked at you with his cocoa almond orbs before you whispered, "Thank you."

You could discern his lips stretching into a smile as soon as he deciphered those words from your mouth before he said, "No need, I have gotten my reward back on the terrace." He declared as you blinked your eyes a couple of times at his straight forwardness.

You could again feel your cheeks getting warm before you started walking as he followed you without letting go of your hand.

The smile never left his visage and watching you flush for him was making him cock-a-hoop.


Opening the car door for you as you muttered, "Thank you." Your low and rough voice caught his attention as he watched you taking a seat on the passenger's while he propped his hand on the door frame so your head won't collide with it.

He gazed down at your profile as he could discern your visage which had an uneasy expression, your were a bit crumpled while your eyes were on looking down at the road ahead of yourself. You were looking through the windshield.

You were staring strangely through the air and he knew what you were thinking about, "Hyun-Ki is definitely gonna pay for it." Taehyung thought as he gazed down at the fabric of your dress hanging out of the door frame.

Without any hesitation, Taehyung promptly crouched down beside your sitting physique, gaining your attention as you instantly twitched your head to look at him, "Taehyung, What are you doing?" You asked.

You watched him taking a hold onto the fabric of your dress as he settled it back inside the car while you could feel your heart flutter at this gesture of his. You gulped down a lump in your throat as you clutched onto your dress.

Taehyung gazed up at you as your eyes got locked with his. His eyes held devotion and care.... For you. You could feel him straight through your soul as you muttered, "You should have let me know, I would have done it myself. You shouldn't have to worry that much."

Stretching his hand in search of yours as he placed his palm on the back of your hand as the fabric of your dress slipped out of your hand, unwittingly before you heard his octaves deep voice.

"Remember, when I told you that you are my woman. You own me, Princess and I mean it from the core of my heart. I have the right to worry about you. Let me take care of you and heal you from all the past instances you have gone through." He declared.

Taehyung let out a breath as he stiffened his hold on your hand before continuing, "So please let me take care of you and worship you like you deserve." He ceased as he watched your expressions.

He discerned the moisture settled over your lower eyelid while you had your lower lip clamped within your teeth as he looked at you with his soft yet glittering orbs.

He stood up to match your height before he leaned in as you closed your eyes and felt his plumpy and velvety lips on your forehead.

He had your cheeks cupped within his large palm as he devoured all his love through the peck on your forehead, "I won't leave anyone who would try to harm you, Princess."

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now