Chapter One Part Two; Midnight Problems

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Void had just escaped from what would've been his death. He sat his stuff down as he shut the door but he forgot to lock it. He was exhausted from running so he sat on his couch and put something on television. When he dozed off to sleep, what seemed to be a girl walked into the house. She had long cyan hair with uncanny blue eyes. She had pale skin and she wore baggy clothes but she had a rather large knife in her hand. She walked closer to void as she mumbled "this is revenge for what you have done in the past." She took her knife and started to cut his throat slowly. He instantly woke up and started crying and screaming as he tried kicking her off of his body. She kept the knife pressed up against his throat as some blood started to trickle out. After a while of him screaming he started to panic and hyperventilate. When she noticed he was starting to stop breathing she got away from him and walked away hoping that would slowly kill him. As void laid there trying to not die, the boy from earlier had heard the screams from void and ran inside. There wasn't any explanation for how the boy knew where void lived but who cares. The boy from earlier picked up void without hesitation and ran to the nearest hospital, he didn't waste a second. Though he did try killing void earlier he still had emotions that he couldn't overcome. When he got to the hospital they immediately took him in. A few hours later he was pronounced to be alive which was a miracle. Jasper went into void's hospital room to check up on him. He decided to sit down on the bed as he spoke to void, "listen man I'm sorry for earlier it was just I don't know but I know it wasn't right." he sighed a bit as he looked at void.. It was obvious that void wasn't going to respond but he still felt it was right to tell him the story and that he was sorry. After a while of him talking to void it was time for visitors to leave so he sadly left. But he frequently checked up on void until he got better he even brought void gifts such as flowers,plushies,snacks, and even clothes. Sometimes he would tell stories about the past and how everything changed when he met him. He couldn't help but smile whenever he was around void, it was as if they became friends over time. When void's throat finally started to heal more each time Jasper said something that he found funny he would slightly laugh or smile. Whenever there was a bit of pain in void's throat Jasper let him hold his hand to get through the pain, though they weren't dating at all they both knew that in the end one of them would end up falling in love with the other. It really hurt when they both realized that even if they fell in love that it would not mean peace for them both as they would still have to deal with the pain of most likely losing each other, though they wouldn't be lonely anymore when they were out in the forest together. Void always felt as if he could never be loved by anyone again because of his past and his secrets that he kept from everyone. He had swore to never be dependent on anyone else since what had happened between him and his brother, his brother had left him in the forest to go to a camp; it was almost as if his brother just stopped caring for void in general. But after the two finally warmed up to each other, Jasper decided to get a bit closer to void as he laid in the hospital bed with void and read him stories as he brushed his hands through void's hair though void didn't like the idea since that meant they might fall for each other he still felt like this was the right thing. After a few months of being in the hospital he finally got released but decided to try living out in the forest with Jasper since he had felt like it would be the safest option for now at least. But he knew that one day he would have to face his problems either way even if that meant that he would have to suffer in the end. He knew that he would suffer in the end because of all the dreams he had in the hospital. He was running a race in life as time was running out and he knew it but he couldn't stop it and he hated that he couldn't control the outcome of the situation. He grabbed his stuff from his house and walked off with Jasper, though he was still a bit suspicious about this he felt that he would learn to grow into it. After all they only had eachother's presence now, void would have to follow Jasper if he wanted to stay alive and Jasper would have to follow void to stay safe. Maybe it was love at first sight or maybe it was hatred at first glance but who knows maybe it was both and maybe their emotions were fighting but the only thing that they fully knew was that no ending would be good. With void's dreams and jasper's hunger the ending of their story would be in violence but then again there is always a possibility that a star could show up and fix everything or even a Cupid's arrow. Who knows though? This story has just begun for the two.

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