Chapter Three; Cold Night

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The girl with long cyan hair, uncanny blue eyes, pale skin, and a mask on her face, was wearing baggy winter clothes while walking with another girl. The other girl had light ginger color hair with fair skin and a left green eye as her other eye had an eyepatch on it, she wore winter clothing too. As the wind blew at the girls and snow fell, the sun was almost gone. The cold snow was up to the girl's ankles as they kept walking on what was the rocky gravel road. The wind smelled like frost and fresh river water as the river roared in the distance. The breeze made the leaves blow off the trees into the snow but there were barely any leaves left. There was no animal in sight, there were no distractions, all there was only them and the wind. The girl with ginger hair spoke up "Hey Harley, do you ever wonder how things could be if the accident didn't happen?" her voice was quiet but shaky as some steam came out of her mouth as it was cold out. Harley stayed quiet for a moment as she looked away then looked back at the other girl as she finally responded "Jamie if the accident did not occur then me and void would probably still be friends but the whole middle school thing makes me feel like it still would've been like it is now, me and him could never be friends again." she said with a sigh as she walked closer to Jamie. "Oh, well maybe he's changed since then? I mean you never know unless you've talked to him again." jamie said with a bit of hope in her voice as she missed having a good friend group. "Jamie just give it up. He's probably dead now anyways." she sighed as she turned away from Jamie which only made her look suspicious. "Harley what did you do.." her tone was a bit scared as she looked at Harley with wide eyes like a deer. "I didn't do anything. Totally didn't." she sighed again as her tone sounded a bit concerned and scared since Jamie was finding out. "Your a terrible liar I hope you know that.. but seriously why did you do it?." she said with a shaky tone of voice as she gently held Harley's hand. "I know it wasn't right for me to do but it's just not fair that he left us after all of what we went through together." she sighed a bit as she turned to look at Jamie. "I also did it for you. He was the main reason this happened to you." she put her hand on Jamie's eyepatch as she slightly rubbed it. "But Harley, we were only ten. It wasn't his fault for that. Plus it's fine I still have my left eye" she smiled a bit as she laughed a tiny bit. "Oh Jamie, your too forgiving to people. This world doesn't deserve to have someone has kind and loving as you." she sighed a bit as she slightly smiled. She moved her hand off of Jamie's face as she looked away for a moment. "I wouldn't say I'm the best person ever I mean I've had some mistakes before an-" she got cut off by Harley. "Oh please your mistakes weren't bad at all, all you did was burn some cookies and accidentally step on a dog's tail. Your still perfect in my eyes." She smiled softly which revealed her teeth a bit but she didn't mind since Jamie already knew what she was. "Your too sweet Harley. Well when it comes to just you and me." She smiled a bit as she hugged Harley, she didn't care if Harley wasn't a human and was a darkling creature that stayed as a human being for too long. The two were happy to have each other after everything that happened to them, they met when they were nine years old. They both are now sixteen years old and have grown up together. Harley lost her ability to turn back at the age of seven since the people who had found her made sure she never learned what she was capable of until she finally ran away from home at fifteen years old. Jamie on the other hand grew up with Harley protecting her, the second they met she promised to stay by Harley and she never broke that promise. Before middle school Void had accidentally thrown a rock and it hit her in the eye permanently blinding her but she forgave him even though Harley didn't. Though in middle school when Harley got together with Void she was jealous about it but quickly got over it especially because Harley said she would never forgive Void but after him moving away and not telling anyone that was Harley's last straw. The two girls only relied on each other and anyone who got in their way had trouble.

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