What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?

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Author's Note: Hello, it's been a few months. Hope everyone's been well and enjoying the holidays. Sorry I was gone for so long, the fall quarter of school was heavier than I thought and I had to put all my focus on it. But I have free time now, so the chapters will be coming back. Thanks for waiting. 

As always, there's a drawing for you guys. A mix of duck and human Richard. Hope you enjoy the drawing and the chapter.

Till next time :]


On the Moon, Lunaris was giving a speech to a crowd of moon citizens. He stood on the large spear of Penumbra's statue, using it as a podium.

"Mighty Moonlanders! You who were betrayed by our so-called 'friend' Della Duck from the foul and pathetic Earth."

The crowd booed.

"I have distaste for the Earth!"

"Now we have captured a cunning Earth spy who has confirmed our greatest fears–the Earthers' plan to invade!" The crowd gasped. "Behold, the most dangerous threat we've ever faced–" Penumbra dragged a bound Donald up to the stage, "–the brother of the traitor Della Duck!"

"Della!?" Donald perked up, eyes darting around. "Where!?" He yelped when Penumbra threw him in front of her. "Hey! What's the big idea!?"

"What did he say?"

Lunaris paused, realizing no one could understand the duck. "He said... 'Death to the Moon!'" They gasped in horror. "This, my fellow warriors..." he picked up Donald and the sailor angrily quacked, "...is why we must strike first!" The leader put a mouth clamp on him. "For we are the mighty! We are the Moon!"

"We are the Moon! We are the Moon!" the crowd chanted. "We are the Moon! We are the Moon!"

Lunaris dropped Donald and the duck tried pushing the clamp off him with his feet. The tall Moonlander gestured back, "Please, this victory belongs to the champion of the Moon, Lieutenant Penumbra." With a sad gaze, she stepped up. He placed a hand on her shoulder and faced the crowd; Penumbra looked away. "She discovered the Earthers' plan to invade us, which is why I am promoting her to captain."

The crowd applauded the promotion as Lunaris attached a gold crest to her uniform. The warrior's eyes widened.

"But, sir, that's a lie."

"They don't know that. Listen," he smirked.

"Penumbra! Penumbra!"

"You're a hero again. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Penumbra nodded, but her smile faded as she looked away.


Scrooge was in his office building a model of the Money Bin. Richard leaned on the chair, watching the careful movements. A peaceful silence was shared between the two of them. Until Dewey slammed the door open, causing the Scot's hand to slip. The two ducks were quick in catching the glass bottle.

"I've uncovered a conspiracy!" The boy slapped a photo down on the table. "Photographic evidence proves that there is a fourth triplet," he pointed at the yellow mark behind the three eggs, "a 'quatriplet,' if you will. We must find Phooey Duck! By the way, I named him Phooey."

"Good name," Richard complimented in amusement.

Scrooge analyzed the photo before placing it back onto the table. "Uh, that fourth egg is a mustard stain."

"But who was eating a sandwich while looking at a photo album?" he questioned as he got up on the study desk, causing Scrooge and Richard to lean back. The boy gasped. "Phooey strikes again."

Scrooge's Best FriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora