Chapter 1 ~ An End And A Beginning

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Welcome back guys! This is book 2 of the series so make sure to read 'Screw You, Malfoy' first. Hope you enjoy!

Cass' POV:

Seated in the great hall of Hogwarts, listening to McGonagall share how proud she was of every student. It felt as if life hadn't really changed since first year, but it had.

For one, I was leaving Hogwart's a fully qualified witch and potions master, having returned for my final year and awaiting the opportunity to apply to teach. McGonagall had decided to a run the final yeat as a sort of fast track diploma course so returning students could get everything they needed to go forward into careers. Rather than trying to go to university.

Secondly, I and many others had survived the great war between Voldemort and the wizarding world. He had been such a large impact on our lives since first year when Harry Potter defeated him in a weak form, and remained a large presence up until his final demise last year, calling the end to yeats of fear and fighting.

Thirdly, and perhaps most shockingly for my life, was that the hand i was holding as I listened to our graduation speech was none other than Draco Malfoy's. My sworn enemy since childhood.

After the end of the war, Draco and I had felt lost with no direction and idea of future. We had speculated separately and together until deciding that as we both wanted to end up teaching, we would need full educationa ourselves.

We were welcomed back with open arms by Professor McGonagall who had taken over the position of headmistress, although many of our peers who had returned were less pleased to see Draco.
Despite his efforts, his families reputation had burnt a hole in their record forever in the eyes of most.

Despite that, however, we had enjoyed our final year, both buckling down to work hard and many times even going weeks without seeing each other due to our full on timetables and revision. Yet, we remained strong, finding support in one another when we needed it.

Only a few of our friends had returned for the final year but it meant the drama was minimal at least.

Harry had gotten a job right away as auror while Hermione was doing damage control with her parents since she reversed her memory charm.
Ron was spending time with his family and looking to further his quidditch career as well as training his sister Ginny for her audition with the Harpies quidditch team.

Luna had taken over writing the Quibbler with her fathers guidance, and it was now more popular than ever, giving the Daily Prophet a run for its money.

Neville stayed with Luna but had taken a ministry job in the muggle department, feeling he never felt too at home in the wizarding world antics despite him basically saving the world. A humble hero.

Blaise and Amy were.....well they were themselves which meant all over the place. Literally. They had taken a year out to travel together, seeing other countries and wizarding communities only to return home with shocking news they had eloped in Mexico. Needless to say we were all shocked but happy for them. And Amy promised to hold a small ceremony for friends and family this summer.

Apart from friends, our families had been rather....normal which was a relief.

I'd spent some time with the Weasley's, helping them prepare Fred's funeral after the war and then Charlie's wedding recently. Molly was still feeling the emptiness of Fred being missing from events and often found me filling his spots helpful in a sad way.

My own parents continued on as usual, chaotic in their own fun way but staying out of trouble. They spent a lot of time with the Malfoy's to Lucius his job back and Narcissa even got a part time job working at Madame Malkins on Diagon Alley as she had always loved sewing.

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