Chapter 1

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The night was so dark that the stars were skeptical about emerging from their hideout afraid they would anger a certain human. As the moonlight faintly illuminated the pathway for night strollers and others going about their business, it gazed down at the fellow leaning on the cold rail of the balcony staring mindlessly into space. Just as it was about to sigh and mind its business, a cold gentle breeze brushed by the fellow but as if nothing happened, the fellow kept staring into space making the cold breeze wonder what was going through the fellow's mind that he looked so distraught and couldn't even realize what was happening.

Surprised by the strange fellow's reaction, the cold breeze sipped into his body trying to find out what was really going on but instead, changed the direction of his approach and went straight to an unwanted place. It knew that it wasn't invited and it was trespassing but still, it kept going until it arrived at its destination. There, it saw what it was looking for and for a moment it became paralyzed.

What happened? It wondered, carefully analyzing the vital organ and how frozen it was. Not because it came without invitation or something, but because it was already frozen decades ago. It reached out its cold imaginary hands to try and warm it up but who was it kidding? It's cold itself so how could it warm up something even if it wanted to do so? No way. As sad as the stars felt, the cold breeze was way sadder because it had no idea what this poor soul had gone through to make the heart as cold as possible. Finally, after exhausting all the ideas it could come up with to save the frozen heart from perishing, it gave up and found its way out of the dejected human body and went on its way feeling sad.

As it silently passed by, the dimly lit moon watched the encounter between the cold breeze and the fellow and almost laughed out at the wind's foolishness. Did it want to warm up a frozen heart that has been that way for decades in a few minutes? If that was so easy, it would have freed the captured soul by now. Just then the fellow looked up at the starless night sky and the moon almost shivered.

Did the frozen soul hear its sarcasm? No, it can't right? Humans can't hear our voice nor can they hear our thoughts either. After a strange few more glares from the person, the fellow finally made their way back into the room without turning back making the moon heave a silent sigh of relief.

As soon as the fellow entered the room, a warm and gentle fragrance welcomed them back and with that, hopped on the bed and dozed off almost immediately.

Tomorrow is going to be a very long day.

"Sir, you have a guest waiting in your office for you"

"Who is it?" He asked dryly walking majestically to his personal elevator.

"He said his name was Khalid" The man gave his assistant a sharp look making the poor guy gulp unintendedly.

"Khalid you said?" He asked again. And the assistant nodded.

"Yes sir" he affirmed. And it was quiet till the elevator bells dinged and they both got out.

"Cancel all my meetings and appointments for the day," said the man dry, and without giving his assistant a chance to respond he walked into his office and shot the door right at his face.

"Rude" he scrunched up his nose and glared at the shot door in dismay then walked away to do as he was told.

Hours after the said visitor came to the president of the company, the personal employees of the president finally saw him walk out of the president's private elevator and they all became dazed staring at his back still he disappeared from their sight. Throughout that day, he was the talk of the company and also the prince charming of all the ladies there. Some were even saying he belonged to them while others were just smitten with his elegance and beauty.

"He looked at me first," a lady said placing both her hands on her face and fantasising about the stranger they all just met.

"Liar," another chirped in. "It was me he looked at first so basically, he's mine" she boasted.

"What about the crush you have on our boss? Have you finally given up on him? The first lady inquired sarcastically smirking at her.

"That's none of your business, moreover who doesn't have a crush on him? You do too. Remember I saw you in his office the other day..." the first said to the second assistant.

"Okay, that's enough" She cut her off immediately before she could complete her sentence. "We have loads of work to do" she added clearing her throat uncomfortably. The third assistant gave them a weird look but didn't say anything and pretended not to be curious about what the first lady was about to say.

Finally, as the day came to an end, they all went back home leaving the president working in his office. Well, this is not the first he's been doing this, so it wasn't so unprofessional for them to leave their boss working overtime. Finally, by the time he was done, it was already past 10 pm and he was exhausted so he packed his belongings into his briefcase and headed back home. The same routine every day for almost six years now.

By the time he arrived home, it was way past midnight and he was so exhausted and hungry but one good thing was that he had a butler a chef, and housekeeping assistants at his service so he wouldn't have to stress about what to cook, or anything like that.

"Welcome back, master. Your dinner is ready" Sam the butler said.

"Thank you Sam, but can you bring it in a little later? Am so exhausted and I need to rest for the time being"

"As you say master," the middle-aged man said bowing a little not to break what remained of his back and walked away. As soon as he entered his room he took a hot shower and decided to rest for a bit before Sam came in with his dinner but even that thought alone wouldn't be allowed to finish because his annoying phone wouldn't stop ringing.

"Hello," he answered dryly and waited for the person to say something.

"I've found a lead, your Highness," the voice said, and instantly, the fatigue he felt a moment ago suddenly disappeared and he sprang out of his lying position to sit on his bed.

"What?" He asked, with a high-pitched voice.

"I think I've found her, Your Royal Highness"

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