Warden agents nearest the chaos rushed to the scene but whatever "support" they sought to offer came with little avail. The mob impeded them too severely and the grey guard did not like being inhibited by the rabble. The undisciplined uniforms sowed more panic than they ever thought to pause, but it was in their presence that Achim saw a slither of salvation.

"...Naomi. I'm going take you to those guys in gray uniform, okay? They can probably get you to a good hospital within the wall,'' said Achim. "Just wait until things have died down a little. I don't want them to shoot us on sight with things being so tense right now."

"...Mom," said Naomi. The dazed girl gripped Achim's hand.

The word lodged deep into Achim's inquisitive mind, but now was not the time to consider the passing statement as anything more. "It's okay. I'll be sure to find her once you're safe. I'll search the entire city if I have to," said Achim.

The moon-eyed boy still held Naomi's hand, but, when she laced their fingers, she ensured that a promise was made in the dark boy's heart. Achim squeezed her hand to seal the unspoken bond and Naomi smiled before she slipped into the dream.

The moments that followed saw Achim check Naomi's pulse periodically, and he breathed deeply each and every time he found her still beating heart. The only thing left to do was to bide his time until the chaos below had gone. In the meantime Achim's cautionary mind created a full assessment of the situation. If he was going to confront Warden after all that he had done, the coming trade demanded that he walk along a line thinner than silk.

Indeed. The crime Achim committed against the realm by killing her agents was enough to grant him the designation: Kill-On-Sight. At least that is what he assumed. This fact, alongside the layer of biases that already existed within the realm, made for a situation doubly dangerous for him and Naomi by extension. He looked again to the lynchpin of his conviction, the sun-kissed princess, and sighed. His body was weak from his defeat by The Beast, and the excessive static he conjured came with an exhausting cost. The deep bites in his shoulder only added to the pain as the wound bled hot and pulsated profusely. In hindsight he did not truly know how he managed to defend himself from that man-eating monster. Achim only realized his victory after the deed had been done. It was a miracle, one that could never be replicated. In this sorry state, Achim could barely protect himself, to say nothing of Naomi.

The sun-kissed girl was strong, but the simple fact was that blows did not break against her body as it did his. There was a burden in knowing that, and knowing made the grim task before him seem all but insurmountable. Even if he approached the situation with absolute perfection, deadly perils existed at every angle. Again his gaze set upon Naomi's bloody face just as fear and a most heavy guilt fell on his.

. . .

Achim's vigil lasted well into the night. He was tired, but with patience came safety, at least that is what he had hoped. Despite this, Achim wrestled with his exhaustion and was losing. He closed his eyes once or twice, until, unbeknownst to him, the dark boy finally dozed. Achim jumped out his slumber in resistance to his weary state, but his body felt different and so much worse. Pain pinched, pulled, and punctured him completely. Worst still, Naomi's small frame, once lighter than air, felt like a mountain of iron. Alas, Achim had to get up if he were to take Naomi to safety.

As Achim struggled to his feet, he looked to the scene below and saw that things had changed. The chaos had been replaced with a scene largely secured by a sea soldiers in gray-colored suits. A few large trucks - specially built and deployed for only the most dangerous occasion - had been parked in an encircling formation and Achim could see the shape of countless firearms without having to hone his eyes. "I was out longer than I thought," Achim rightly surmised.

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