7. Asshole

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I subconsciously just started to cry and laid my head down on my desk. I sobbed into my arms and snatched my phone up when I heard it buzzing repeatedly.

Baby don't cry.
I'm sorry princess.
I just want to protect you baby.
I love you baby just please don't cry.

Leave me alone asshole.

Baby...You know I can't do that. I don't want to see you cry sweetheart. I just want to protect you.

I was with my friends Rhino, they would have protected me if something happened. I was just having a good time :(

I know baby I'm sorry. We can talk when you wake up sweetheart okay?

I wiped my tears and got into my bed, falling asleep pretty quickly.

Time skip

I woke up to my alarm and I stirred awake with a rough hangover. I got up and changed quickly, doing light make up and brushing my hair out. I really felt like not going to school.

I felt so miserable I just started to cry."Honey are you awake?" My mom asked and then walked into my room. She gasped lightly and immediately hugged me so I could cry into her shoulder. "What's wrong honey?" She asked sweetly, rubbing my hair.

"I don't want to go to school. I can't..." I sobbed, hugging my mom warmly. "That's fine dear, take a day to yourself." My mom assured and pulled out of the hug. I wiped my tears despite some still falling onto my cheeks. "Thank you momma." I spoke weakly and she nodded.

"I have to go to work but you can go back to sleep and stay home today okay?" She spoke softly and tucked my hair behind my ears. "Thank you so much." I muttered. With that, my mom left to go to work. I wiped my makeup off and got into my pajamas.

I texted the group chat with my friends and told them why I wasn't going to school and all. They wished me better and said to get some rest. I love them so much. I rolled my eyes instantly when Rhino texted me.

I got you something, love. I left in by your front door. I'm sorry my sweet girl.

I sniffled and got up, going to my front door and opening it. There was a small basket with some cute stuffed animals and my favorite drink. I smiled softly and brought it inside my room. Most of the stuffed animals were Sanrio ones which were my favorite.

I set them up against my bed with all my other Sanrio stuffed animals and set the drink on my nightstand.

I'm not sure if I should say thank you or not. I'm still mad at you.

That's fine babe, stay mad if you want. I'll make it up to you.

I sighed and cuddling back into my bed, falling back asleep comfortably.

Time skip

I woke up to a call from Minho. It was just after school ended. I instantly picked up. "You okay? Why weren't you at school?" He asked, worry was clear in his voice. "I don't feel good." I groaned softly, turning over in my bed with a soft sigh.

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