1. Say Hello

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It was the middle of the college year. It's been amazing so far, having my friends surrounding me and my loving parents. Luckily I never had to move away from the town I've always lived in since my dream college is just down the road from my parent's house.

Though I must admit, I just for some reason am not feeling like myself. I know that I'm majoring in what i've always wanted to do. I'm surrounded by great people so I'm not understanding my feelings but I know I'll figure it out. Now to talk about something that's actually interesting, just yesterday I got sat next to this boy in my class. He's been in my classes throughout all of college but I've never even heard him talk.

He only ever makes eye contact with the teacher too and it's kind of freaky. I've heard rumors that he might be a vampire or some kind of supernatural creature. My best friend Minjoo says that he might even be a succubus from how hot he is. I must admit, he is extremely attractive. I mean, ever girl I've happened to talk to agrees and thinks he's fine as hell.

His glasses, his medium length dark brown hair, broad shoulders and a muscular frame from what I can tell, perfect face proportions, glossy eyes, plump lips, veins that ran down his arms and to his hands, not to mention the small smirk that's always planted on his lips.

Now that I'm sitting next to him, perhaps I could talk to him and see what he's really like. It wouldn't hurt right? Well funny enough, when all of our seats got rearranged, he didn't seem so happy about that. He seemed...frightened? I'm not sure what kind of terminology I could use to express the mixed emotions on his face. He used to just sit by himself in the corner.

I arrived at school and took a deep breath before walking in and almost immediately spotting Minjoo with her boyfriend, Chihoon, just by the lockers, They were making out of course. At least go into the janitors closet. Minjoo spotted me and immediately broke their heated make out sesh and ran over to me. "Hey bestie!" She cheered excitedly.

"It's 9am and you guys are making out in the hall like some barbarians." I scolded with a playful smile on my face. "It's not my fault you can't get laid." She jabbed back teasingly. I rolled my eyes and locked around with her as we began to walk to class. "I could get laid if I wanted to but I'm focused on school unlike you." I argued with a pouty frown. "Oh really? By who?" Minjoo wiggled her brows and nudged my waist.

"I don't know...someone." I mumbled, hoping she heard me. Minjoo shrugged and then smirked widely after a moment of silence. "How about that hottie in our class? Lee Minho." She suggested and I could tell that she was being serious despite the playful atmosphere. I scoffed and shrugged slightly, "I'm not too sure he's interested."

"Oh please. Who wouldn't want a hottie like you?" Minjoo asked and nudged my waist again. I shook my head with a soft smile and connect my gaze to the door of our classroom. I sped up my walking a bit, practically dragging her into the classroom. "Try talking to him." Minjoo whispered in my ear before breaking our arm link and walking to her seat.

I looked towards the back of the class to see me and Minho's shared seats. He was already there along with some of our other classmates and he was writing on some paper. I gulped and walked up to our seat and slowly sat down next to him. Today was the first day since our seats were changed so this was our first time sitting next to each other.

I got out my textbook and notebook as I settled into my seat. He didn't even acknowledge me. "Your name is Minho right?" I asked, hoping for him to at least look at me. "Yes ma'am." His voice was so soft and he seemed a bit uncomfortable, not to mention he didn't even look at me. I frowned just a little as I felt bad that he was uncomfortable.

"I'm Solmi...Park Solmi." I introduced myself and I could see a small smirk appear on his face as he continued to write on his school work. I looked down to see Minjoo already looking up at me and gesturing for me to continue trying to talk to him. I shrugged and shook my head. Minjoo again gestured for me to continue trying. I sighed softly and turned my head slightly to examine Minho.

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