4. Bright Lights

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We all piled to the bar and started to order drinks and rounds of shots. Chihoon just watched over us and made sure none of us wandered or drank too much. I was sat next to Minjoo on the far right end of the bar so there was nobody next to me except an empty seat.

Me and Minjoo gossiped and honestly drank more than the others. "Let's go dance!" Minjoo grabbed my hand and we stumbled out onto the dance floor with Chihoon staying back to watch the other while we went to go dance.

I felt somebody tap my shoulder after a few minutes of me and Minjoo dancing wildly with each other. I turned around to meet eyes with a fairly attractive guy. He was a good bit taller than me and had nice facial features.

"Hey I'm Hyunjin. Mind if I join you guys?" He asked, holding a drink in his hands. Me and Minjoo glanced at one another before I nodded and the three of us danced along side the other. I eventually felt him slowly grind against my side and considered out wasted I was, I just leaned against him and continued to dance.

I saw Minjoo's eyes widen a little and giggle as she watched us. Eunil and Narae came running over and joined us as well and danced with Minjoo while I continued grinding with Hyunjin. "You got a boyfriend?" Hyunjin whispered against my ear, taking a sip of his drink.

He seemed a bit drunk but not as far gone as I was. "No. A weird stalker guy, but no boyfriend." I answered and smiled a little.m, trying to not fall over. Hyunjin saw my struggle to stay stable so he grabbed my waist with his free hand to keep my body leaned against his.

"A stalker? Damn...he won't kill me right?" Hyunjin teased and laughed a little. "No but I hope he doesn't come and fight you for dancing with me." I teased back. Hyunjin laughed and let me back over to the bar with my friends. He offered to buy me some drinks and I accepted.

We talked for a while before Minjoo, Eunil and Narae came back from the dance floor. They were pretty drunk and the boys (besides Chihoon) seemed pretty far gone as well. As for me, I was utterly wasted. Even though I wanted to go home, I didn't want to ruin the fun for everyone.

Though I found out Hyunjin went to the same college as us and even in the same grade. Before I could get his number, Minjoo was dragging me out of the bar and out into the car with everyone else. I leaned my head on Chan's shoulder as I my mind whirled from how wasted I was.

I got home safely and Chihoon helped me inside to my room before leaving and driving everyone else home. It was 10pm and my parents were asleep. I slowly dragged myself up and ran to the bathroom, puking into the toilet. I took my heels off and threw them to the side as I continued puking.

It didn't take long for it to stop before I flushed it and got up, brushing my teeth at a very slowly pace. I heard my phone buzz with a message but I ignored while I changed into pajamas and wiped my makeup off sloppily. I finally flopped onto my bed and checked my phone.

Are you okay baby? You look wasted as fuck.

I'm dong just fine tank yu.

Goodness baby...I know you threw up. Also, I'm going to beat that guys ass for grinding on you.

Oh shi you actlly saw that? fuck...

Of course princess. Had I not been so worried about you seeing my face then I would have beat him up right there but that'll have to wait.

Don't hurt anyo...i get if your jealus or wtv but that's unnecssry

I told you I wasn't going to let anyone touch you babe. You're my girl.

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