"Why're you laughing!? I was being serious." I put on my best pouty face, biting my cheek to contain my laughter.

"Liar." He says shoving my shoulder lightly.

"Okay, yeah but it was funny though." He nods in agreement.

He links his arm with mine at the elbow. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

Instead of going through the door, Nash leads me to a white gate that matches the fence that prevents access to the backyard. He walks up to it, unhooking our arms and stepping up on the fence, sitting on the top.

"Um what're you doing?" I laugh.

"The latch on the gate's been broken for like five years so you have to climb over." He hops down disappearing onto the other side. Wow he must come here often.

"You coming?" He yells over the music.

"Gimme a sec!" I yell back.

I adjust my jeans and take a deep breath. I've never been much good at climbing things. In the fifth grade, my class went on a field trip to a fun center that had rock climbing and I couldn't even make it a few feet up the wall.

You can do this.

I grab onto one of the wood planks in the gate and prop my foot up on the horizontal plank that runs across it.

I don't know if the grip on my converse is bad or if I'm just that bad at climbing things but when I finally get my foot on the plank, I'm tumbling down just as quickly. I let out a squeal, and mentally prepare myself for hitting the grass.

The grass feels... Muscly..? I pry open my eyes and look up to see a boy with brown eyes and brown hair. His muscle tank is really working wonders for his biceps, wow.

"Are you okay?" He asks, snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh yeah, but because of you. Thanks by the way-"

"-Sammy. And you are?" Oh, so this is his party.

"I-I'm Sydney." FUCK I stuttered.

"Sydney.. I like it." He smiles showing off his white teeth and adorable dimples. "Can I get you a drink?" He slightly smiles.

"Yeah I'd like that."

He grabs my hand leading me through the hoards of sweaty, sloppy teenagers and into a large kitchen. My fingertips tingle at his touch. "Any requests Sydney?"

"Got any mikes?" He smiles at my question, opening one of about 12 coolers sitting on the counters.

He picks out a pink one, opens it, and hands it to me. "How'd you know I like the pink lemonade ones?" Why am I suddenly confident?

"I dunno, you look like a pink lemonade type of girl." He shoots me a wink and I instantly feel my cheeks heat up.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the back yard, which is enormous just like the rest of the house.

"I'm glad I finally made it back here, I mean I was supposed to be here like 15 minutes ago but then I-"

Oh shit. Nash.

I look over to where the gate is and don't see him. Nash isn't anywhere in my sight, actually.

"Everything okay?" Sammy asks.

"Everything's great." I smile at him. I guess I'll find Nash later.

I spot a big fire that has about 20 people sitting around it towards the back of the yard.

love or lust | jg & cdWhere stories live. Discover now