Chapter 9 - Trueth: Scheming

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'Their identities are unbeknownst to us,' Seisi said. 'Yet, they are not of importance this instant. What we must apprehend is whether the death of his wisdom is related. And if so, what this might imply.'

Imhotep nodded once.

'You might have to return your sorry...backside to the temple, Metjen,' Trueth said. 'Maybe while playing along with all these rituals you can find out a bit more. Maybe we're lucky, and you stumble over the remains of a dark priest,' Trueth said.

'I'll only stumble over Ptahmes, the guy is all over me.'

'This does not make him one of the dark ones,' Seisi said. 'I did not hear his voice back in the grove.'

'He's an asswipe,' Metjen said.

Trueth gave him a thumbs-up. The light was fading fast, and her gesture most likely remained unnoticed.

'I have no proof,' Imhotep said.

Trueth heard the soft footsteps of servants who lit the lanterns strategically placed in the greenery. Imhotep extended his legs back onto the ground, clasped his hands behind his back and proceeded toward the nearest palm tree. Silence descended upon the small courtyard, interrupted only by the snoring cat, who had chewed off most of the bobbles, and the song of cicadas behind the pungent bushes.

'You will never tell anybody what I will disclose to you now.' That was clearly not a request. The cat farted a fanfare to emphasise Imhotep' statement.

'Methinks, one member of the holy circle has crossed the line. There is no other way how they could have got in otherwise, for it was the circle who placed the protective spells. There are other signs—too many of my moves get foiled.'

'One of the high priests has joined the dark ones? Why?' Trueth asked. 'Don't you have all the power you want?'

'We are bound by our oath, to serve the lights and the gods. We all have to abide by the rules. There are those who do not like this, even among those in the circle, they want their talents to run unchecked. Such desires never bring good for the people.'

'There's an awful lot of bureaucracy in this place,' Metjen said.

'Without rules, only the strong will thrive,' Seisi said. 'With rules, they thrive a bit less.'

'Maybe the late prophet was the dark high priest and that got him killed?' Trueth wondered.

Imhotep did the unimaginable and snorted. 'His powers were failing; nor did he have the required aspiration.' He returned toward them. 'Enough of this. We need to be vigilant, we know their goals, yet we do not know their plans.' Addressing Metjen and Seisi he said. 'You two will not be able to go back into your temple. Ptahmes has it sealed, and they are conducting the search. You should not have left, Metjen.'

'What is that guy up to? First he rummages in my mind, then he... .'

Imhotep's eyes were competing with the lanterns. 'What did you say?'

'I thought he wanted to frame me with the murder. He just ripped through my thoughts.' Metjen had taken a step back and nearly tripped over his somnolent cat.

'I can only hope he washed his senses afterwards... . Anyway, you did that all the time with me,'Trueth said.

'I didn't! I mind-talked to you, I never read your thoughts. Nor your emotions. That is mega impolite. We might have all been better off if I had, don't you think?'

'I shall address Ptahmes' transgressions. Later,' Imhotep said. ' Now we have to wait who they are going to choose to serve as high priest. Metjen should have been on the inside. We could have taken influence, there are a couple of potential candidates I would not like to welcome into the holy circle. Inluding Ptahmes.'

'What he did is—not forbidden, but not the accepted behaviour,' Seisi said. He shuddered as if somebody had rattled his sarcophagus.

'Is nobody going to investigate the murder?' Trueth asked.

'Not now. There needs to be a first prophet in place to seek revenge for this vile deed. I shall see what I can find out. Wait until I call for you.' Imhotep nodded at them, turned around and crunched his way across the gravel.

'I don't know about you, but I need some shut-eye,' Trueth said. While this was no lie it was not quite the truth either. In reality, she was worried that Seisi might leave, and she did not want to be alone with Metjen. Nobody knew what might happen. Even after all these weeks she still did not trust herself not to do something silly. Like, throw herself at him. Or break down in tears. Much better to do so in the quiet of her bedroom.

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This chapter is dedicated to  borderbell, the author of 'Cycle of the Sun' Another great out of time experience. Just a different period, of course. Check it out!

Image is taken from DeviantArt copyright mag86

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