Enchanted Forest, many years ago...

Rapunzel smiled happily as Jonathan entered the tower. She greeted him with a passionate kiss and wrapped her arms around him. "I've missed you." She told him happily and smiled as he stroked her beautiful long hair.

"I've missed you too, my darling. But soon we won't have to sneak around anymore. I'll free you." The young prince replied as he held her close and gently stroked her blonde hair. He loved her so much and would free her from the witch. He was sure they would live happily ever after.

With a relieved sigh, Rapunzel smiled at him. "Are you sure?" She asked with so much hope in her voice. She wanted to believe she could be free but it felt so surreal. She had never been outside so it seemed strange that freedom was so close now.

He kept stroking her hair and nodded with a bright smile. "Yes, my love. Tomorrow you'll be free." He told her and kissed her gently. He loved her so much and couldn't wait to start a life with her outside this tower.

Rapunzel was so happy. She kept cuddling into him and just talked with him for a while. It had soon gotten dark and they kept talking until both of them fell asleep.

The next morning, Jonathan kissed Rapunzel passionately before he left the tower. He waved at her and then got on his horse. What they didn't know was that the witch had witnessed the whole scene.

Eleanor watched the prince leave the tower and glared darkly. She couldn't believe Rapunzel had betrayed her like this. She was furious. Before the prince could get away she shot a spell in his direction which made the thorn bushes around the area grow and slung around like snakes. His horse threw him off and he was thrown face first into the thorns. They pierced his eyes, making him blind.

The witch smirked slightly before she went to the tower to deal with Rapunzel. Her daughter would pay for her betrayal. "Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" She demanded, not concealing her angry tone.

Shaking, Rapunzel made her way over to the window after hearing her mother's voice. This couldn't be good. What if her mother had seen Jonathan? The young blonde let her hair down, flinching as the witch pulled her hair. Her mother was clearly angry.

Eleanor kept pulling Rapunzel's hair as she reached the top of the tower. She was just so furious with her daughter. "Hello, dearest. What have I told you about letting strangers into the tower?" She questioned right away and glared at her young daughter, while still holding onto her long braid.

Shocked and confused, Rapunzel was at a loss for words. She was scared. "H-how could you-" she tried to ask but her mother cut her off.

"Why could you not obey? You should have listened to me. All I ever wanted was to keep you save." The old woman demanded angrily as she towered over her daughter.

Rapunzel sat on her bed and gulped. She was so scared. "I'm no longer a child. I wish to see the world." She explained to her and tears started to form in her beautiful brown eyes. She never wanted to betray her mother but she loved Jonathan.

"The outside world is dangerous. Bad people are out there who wouldn't hesitate to hurt you. I'm the only one who can keep you save, Rapunzel. No one can love you more than I do." Eleanor pointed out and looked sternly at her daughter. She wanted her daughter to stay with her but at the same time she wanted to punish her for her betrayal.

Rapunzel sobbed and cried. She was conflicted. She loved her mother but she loved Jonathan too and wanted to be with him. The blonde suddenly felt her mother's arms around her and cuddled to her while still crying. She craved her comfort.

Eleanor held her daughter close and stroked her hair soothingly. She hated seeing her daughter cry, however she still needed to punish her, even if it hurt her to do this. When Rapunzel had settled down again in her arms she let go of her and got up from the bed, towering over her again. "I gave you protection and yet you disobeyed me." She told her and paused for a moment to look at her before continuing. "Your prince will never lay eyes on you again. He'll never lay eyes on anything again." She said in a spiteful tone as she glared at her again.

Rapunzel was shocked. What had her mother done? "What did you do to him?!" She demanded as she looked up at her. Jonathan had to be okay. She couldn't lose him.

Eleanor huffed. Her daughter really was in too deep. That boy had corrupted her. "It doesn't matter. Because where you're going, no one will ever see you again." She spoke up as she grabbed Rapunzel by the braid again and pulled her towards her. She grabbed a pair of scissors and pulled her daughter to her until Rapunzel fell to her knees.

"No, please don't. No." Rapunzel begged as her mother pulled her towards her. She struggled against her but her mother was stronger. Eleanor pushed her to her knees and cut her long braid off right at the base. The young girl broke down in tears when her beautiful hair was gone.

The witch bid her lip as she held the braid in her hands and realized what she had done to her daughter but it was too late now. She needed to continue. So, she waved her hand and disappeared with Rapunzel to a swamp in the middle of the dark forest and left Rapunzel there to fend for herself.


Storybrooke, present day...

Eleanor was still quite disappointed with Rosalie and needed to know what was going on with her daughter. She went to Regina's office to talk to her friend. "Did Sydney find anything?" She asked her right away. She hoped whatever was going on with her daughter could be brought to an end soon. There needed to be something Sydney found.

The brunette sighed. She knew Rosalie would be in a lot of trouble if she told her the truth but she couldn't lie. It wasn't her business to interfere in Eleanor's parenting. "Yes, he has." She told her and opened a drawyer of her desk and pulled out an envelop with photos, giving it to the older woman.

Eleanor opened the envelop and gasped as she saw photos of Rosalie with Jamie. That boy had corrupted her little girl once again. She was so furious that she grabbed a box from Regina's desk and threw it against the wall. She was in the mood to destroy something. "They were supposed to stay seperated. How is this possible?!" She asked furiously and stared at Regina. She couldn't lose Rapunzel again. She wouldn't let this happen. This would stop now.

Regina gulped. She had never seen Eleanor this angry. It wouldn't be good for Rapunzel surely. But she couldn't risk her curse breaking because of true love. She couldn't risk losing Henry because of this. "True love. I guess it does in fact overcome any curse." She said carefully. She really didn't want to be in Rosalie's shoes right now. "What are you going to do now?" She asked. They needed to be seperated but she didn't want for Eleanor to hurt Rosalie either. For some reason she felt sympathy for the girl.

Eleanor tried to calm herself. "I'll make sure they'll never see each other again." She told the younger woman and then left the office, getting home and waiting for Rosalie. She wouldn't let this continue and risk the curse getting broken.

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