In the next few months, Rosalie snuck around with Jamie almost everyday and was deeply in love with him. They usually met at the beach or in the park, knowing it would be save there for them. Or so they thought.

After Eleanor's request to keep an eye on Rosalie, Regina had set up Sydney to watch out for Rosalie and had discovered that she was meeting secretly with Jamie. Eleanor surely wouldn't like that.

The brunette felt a little bad for Rosalie for some reason. After what her own mother did to Daniel, she didn't want to expose the girl to Eleanor's rage but she had no choice in the matter. Eleanor wouldn't like it if she kept this from her. She sighed as she looked at the photos of Rosalie and Jamie, that Sydney had given her. Regina really didn't know if she should do this.


Eleanor was very suspicious lately as she had noticed Rosalie was usually coming home late lately. Something was going on and she hoped Regina could help her find out what. She didn't like any of this.

Now, she was sitting in the foyer and waiting for her daughter. It was really late, the twins were already in bed. The former witch didn't like this at all. Rosalie was neglecting her school work and her kids lately and it couldn't continue like this. She crossed her arms and glared slightly when Rosalie finally entered the mansion.

Rosalie thought her mom was already in bed as she came home late yet again. She tried to be careful while sneaking back into the house but this time she wasn't so lucky. The young blonde gulped when she saw her mother waiting for her in the foyer. "Mom, I thought you were in bed already." She said softly.

The tall woman stood up and walked over to her daughter, still glaring at her. "The twins are sleeping. I was waiting for you. Where have you been?!" She demanded as she kept looking at her daughter. She didn't like any of this. She didn't want history to repeat itself but ever since Emma came to town things were changing.

"I...I was with some friends. We totally forgot the time. I'm sorry. Thanks for taking care of Raelyn and Ryan." The young girl answered softly. She felt bad that she left the twins in her mother's care again. She knew she needed to be responsible.

Eleanor shoke her head. "This is the third time this week, Rosalie. You know I love the kids but you are their mother. You need to be responsible. We've talked about this before. If you can't be responsible then I think it's for the best if I take custody for them. Now go to bed. From now on you will come straight home after school and focus on your school work. I'll take care of the kids. You won't go out with friends and you won't babysit until I think you are responsible enough." The grey haired woman told her daughter and pointed to the stairs. She wouldn't lose her daughter again. Whatever was going on it would stop now.

Rosalie sighed. She didn't like any of this but maybe it was for the best if her mother took care of the twins from now on. She was just not in the right place right now to be a responsible mother. "Fine." She said softly and went quickly to her room. She was sad but she knew she couldn't change her mother's mind. The blonde sat on her bed and sighed sadly as she thought about the twins. She wanted to be a good mother but it was so hard to get everything under control. She needed her mother's help.

She got ready for bed and tried to fall asleep but she couldn't. She didn't want to lose Jamie but she also didn't want to lose her kids and disappoint her mother.


The next morning, Rosalie got ready for school as usual and then got the twins ready and went downstairs with them. She sighed when she saw her mother. She could tell Eleanor was still angry with her. "Morning, Mother." She said softly and got breakfast for the kids.

Eleanor looked up from her news paper and took off her reading glasses before looking at her daughter. She was very disappointed and hoped whatever Rosalie was hiding from her would stop now. The older woman also hoped that Regina could help her find out what was going on with her daughter right now. "Morning, dear. Have you thought about our talk yesterday?" She asked her and raised an eyebrow. She really hoped Rosalie would see reason and let her take over custody for the kids. Her daughter was still a child herself and she had proven that she wasn't responsible enough.

The blonde huffed. She didn't want to talk about that before she even had her breakfast. It was hard for her to make a decision like this. "I...I don't know, Mother. The kids are mine. I don't want to fail them." She told her and looked at the kids. She loved them so much but being a teen mom was so hard and her mother had always been there for her in this situation.

"You are not failing them if you admit to needing help. It's for the best. You are still a child yourself, you need to focus on school. I can handle them. It would only be until you finish school and college." Her mother told her and sighed. She only ever wanted what she thought was best for Rapunzel. She only ever wanted to protect her.

Rosalie wasn't so sure. She wanted what was best for the kids but she wasn't so sure it was with her mother. However she really had no other choice right now. "I guess so." She answered softly and ran a hand through her long hair carefully.

"Good. You'll see. It's for the best." The older woman told her and smiled. She really thought she was doing what was best for Rosalie and the kids and she hoped Rosalie would see that too.

Eleanor hoped this would stop her daughter from continuing her suspicious behaviour.

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