driving my nissan p12 car pt 1

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I was driving my nissan when I saw the train going across the tracks i stopped and watched the train it was moving slowly across the track the gate was down me and my five friends were at the game then the kids were running around the lobby area i was trying to look for the rink manager he asked me how i got here and I told him that I drove here with my nissan p12 car so I showed him the picture of my nissan p12 car and he couldn't believe it that is  a nice car i said it goes fast its a 230 hp diesel engine nissan p12 car i bought it in saskatoon the pants i was wearing was the same color as my nissan p12 car and I love my nissan p12 car i don't very often drive here to moosomin i usually get diesel fuel my car and then I drive to different towns villages small city's saskatoon regina with my nissan p12 i went for a birthday drive on my birthday with my nissan i showed the rink manager my license and when the game ended i jumped into my nissan p12 car I drove away from the moosomin arena i could smell the silent killer and the silent killer was not giving up i told the rink manager before I drove away i told him to test the levels of carbon monoxide in the rink and add a red line see you next season moosomin arena as i drive away from the moosomin arena i spotted the moosomin arena outdoor rink since that is i am buying the outdoor rink in rocanville that's what I am looking to do  borderland coop thats what I thought so I took the sign and light it up in flames i took the sponsors and set them on fire eat your drugs kids drink and drive like an ass hole eat  your drugs get behind the wheel kids and drink and drive aw yeah Ray-j and his 5 gang members are riding around town and they like to sneak in to buildings where people who enjoy work until they crash computers with a things that are maleware viruses and lots of stuff they even tear up the entire office building making people go out of business with them they are happy with what they are doing Ray-j and his gang members love sneaking into a bowling alley Jimmy Warner bowling alley this outta be a good place to hide  Jimmy Warner is the owner of his own bowling alley
They sneak in the bowling alley from the back of the lanes Ray-j is the driver along with his 4 other friends as passengers in the nissan p12  they do street racing all over the streets without a care going through traffic lights and blowing through stop signs  going on circle drive going over and under the over pass going fast waking up the entire city of regina  in the capital of Saskatchewan  burning rubber and making a lot of exust fumes that's what rayj and his friends are doing

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