driving my nissan p12 car pt 8

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I'll do whatever this fucking town i own it 1300 people your under my command your my slaves you bow down to me and worship me as your commander you will work until your death and I don't really fucking care about anything I'll do whatever I want you think you can lock me out well think again i have a hammer if you try to lock me out I'll come in with a hammer you son of a bitch I've done it before I'll do it again

What hell is he doing with a hammer

O my god he just broke the door open  and there goes another door and another one  good god

O my god he just busted out a window i can't believe it 

What the fuck

Are you fucking kidding me

Jesus christ he  busted all the windows

I can't believe it holy shit

O my god not the stove o my god

Well there goes the stove

And the entire kitchen

Jesus christ

Holy fuck

I fucking never seen this before

I told you that it would fucking happen

My god

There goes the air conditioning

There goes the washer and dryer

O my god there's another one a window  how in the hell

There goes a wall
O my god he just crashed into the house with the car 

Good god

O my god a second time into the house

What the fuck o my god

He just ploughed through the garage ha ha

How in gods name did he do that

Good god

I  can't believe that

How in the hell does that not surprise you

There goes a garden
And the fire pit 

Good god 

Destroy everything 

My god that's amazing it is

Hello holy shit I can't fucking believe it

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