driving my nissan p12 car pt 15

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I got into my nissan p12 car I drove around rocanville town i was drinking pepsi and coke and pringles and chips and driving
Eat your drugs kids drink and drive  aw yeah

So i started to do burn outs in the middle of rocanville  then I started to break all the rules and no one cared about it me i enjoyed breaking the rules i don't care about anything safety screw that me and my 5 gang members love breaking the rules we left garbage laying around speeding through rocanville that's awesome hell yeah to do that going over the speed limits fun drifting awesome to that drinking and driving So what there no stopping me is there

Nissan p12 car
Year 2019
Transmission automatic transmission
Hp 234
Engine diesel

Doors 4
Body blue
Dashboard in the middle

Top speed 320 kph

Owner of the Nissan p12 car me

Street racing in rocanville
Drag racing in rocanville
Fords can't catch up with my nissan p12 car ha

Gang members 5
Jimmy Warner passenger
Colby passenger
Ray-j driver
Sam passenger
Laa laa passenger

We do what you can't do 
We have done stunts
Drag racing and street racing

We're not responsible for your actions
We do what we want
No one can stop us
We drinking and driving street racing through rocanville that's what we do with pringles chips drinking pepsi and coke 
We're going to do whatever we want

There's nothing rocanville can do about this rocanville town you're going watch us tear up the town

Thanks for listening to us that's what we are  behind the wheel of a nissan p12 car that's what I love about it i love driving it stupid and waking up the town of Rocanville Saskatchewan up in the middle of the night

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