driving my nissan p12 car pt 4

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I started up my nissan p12 car and I drove with my 5 gang members Jimmy Warner was working at his bowling alley we snuck in from the back of the lanes we did a challenge a 24 hour challenge we waited until it was extremely quiet and no one was around  we snuck out guys we have this entire thing to ourselves like whatever we want to do 24 hours if Jimmy Warner catches us were fucked 2 am awesome
45 seconds later

Oh yeah boy  that's awesome

What the fuck was that you ass hole

Ok do it let's see it o my fucking god where's the ball where it went through the masking unit Jesus christ are you fucking kidding me that's where it went Jesus christ that's fucking awesome you brought down the entire masking unit in the Jimmy Warner bowling alley this outta fucking awesome That's awesome i fucking love it  what the fuck are you doing o god please don't what the fucking hell Jesus christ get in nissan p12 car let's get the fuck outta here we leave the place where it was messy and empty that's it was guys that was amazing and I love it when that 10 year old boy who comes in he won't believe what happened right guys that will keep him busy with the repairs and the damage we did guys that will keep him busy for a while and besides we are gang members we do what we want Drink damage drive make people go out of business guys that's what we do he can't drive a car Jimmy Warner kid but us can what an ass hole  needs to shit himself or shit his fucking pants fuck yeah fucking damn right guys let's just see what happens if he tries to mess with us

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