iii. wave

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{ If I surrender / And I don't fight this wave / No I won't go under / I'll only get carried away }

"Just the gum?"


"Okaaay," she said cautiously. "Your total is one dollar and sixteen cents."

"Here," he pulled out two dollars. "Keep the rest. I don't need it."

"I'm not supposed to be keeping money."

"Consider it a gift."


Matt took the grocery bag in his hand and nodded, "I'll be going now."

"But your change--"

"A gift!" He called from the exit.

"Thank you!" She blushed from her register.

And Matt rushed out the door, using the back of his hand as a shield from the burning sunlight. He treaded across the sidewalk and passed the park near the school while he glanced up against the pale blue skies and stuffy air. He sighed in relief.

"Matthew," a snap from behind him shrieked. "You're late for fifth period. And what are you even doing outside--"

"I should ask the same for you."

Matt mused while Ms. Rivera's lip glossed smirk contorted into a scowl.

"I can have you written up for disrespect, young man."

"Fine, fine," Matt waved his hand. "I'm off to class anyway."

"Your mother would be so disappointed in you right now."

And that's where it struck a cord.

His fist clenched, his heart lurched, and his teeth gritted together as he trudged with an air of frustration clinging onto the boy. He was so stupid to let a comment about his mom get to him. But he'd be even more stupid if he didn't realize that that's why she's dying in the first place.


"I know, I know." He plopped in his chair with his backpack slumped over to the side. Shannon tapped his shoulder with the chewed end of her pencil.

He spun around and rolled his eyes, "If this is another invite to your Bowling Club, I'm not--"

"No," she gazed at him. "Are you okay?"

And Matt blinked back.


A/N -- Helloooo!! More of the new story for you guys. The song for this chapter (and where the lyrics from the beginning are from) is "Wave" by Beck -- also linked as media for the chapter. I think it rounds off the chapter in my mind but enough chit-chatting about music for now!

I think I'm going to do short chapters (<500 words) for this story but we'll see down the road. Thank you so, so much for reading.

See you guys soon in the next update. Much love. -NN

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