Chapter 11

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A/N: This chapter includes death, just warning you. I'll put a ⚠️ before and after the part. Btw read the authors note at the end

Being locked down in the basement was terrifying. Everything was so quiet and dark. I sure did not want to go back there, so I made sure to behave.

Billie was out of the house buying groceries. She locked all the doors. She really knew what she was doing. I feel like a prisoner, well I guess I am one.

I was sitting on the couch, thinking of my current situation when I felt a knock at the door. At first I thought it was Billie but why would she knock on her own door? I got up and walked upstairs to Billies room. Her room faced the front of the house.

I pushed the curtain, looking out the window to see Kylie?! I saw her pink bicycle, why didn't she come on her car?

I banged on the window, trying to get her attention. Fortunately it did and she waved. She motioned toward the door, yelling to open it.

I shook my head and tried my best to tell her it was locked. But maybe I could find something and open it myself! I ran down the stairs toward the kitchen. I opened each drawer until I found a knife.

Maybe I could pick the lock with it? I ran to the front door and put the knife on the door knob. After a few tries I unlocked it and pushed it open.

Kylie ran toward me and hugged me tight, crying in joy. "I missed you so much Y/N!"
"Me too girl." I cried with her.

"How did you find her house?" Kylie sighed. "I followed your dad one day."

"Well, doesn't matter. We have to go now!" As she was about to drag me out the door, I heard that one roaring engine.


The color drained from my face. "Oh shit no no NO!" I hyperventilated. Kylie gulped looking at the woman walking toward the door. She was fuming.

"I see we have a visitor?" She slammed the door shut, locking it while facing us. "Or should I say, intruder? It's not nice to barge into someone's house." She pouted.

Kylie clenched her fist. "You're a psycho!"

Billie chuckled, biting her lip. "That's kind of mean don't you think?" She reached for her pocket, taking out a gun.


I gulped. "Billie, please-" she pointed the gun at Kylie. Then as if time stopped, a loud bang was muffled as I saw a bullet go through my friends head, making her fall back.


Billie blew off the small smoke coming out of the gun, smiling slightly.

I kneeled down next to Kylie, breaking down.
"Kylie please, no please." I shook her but she wouldn't respond.

I looked at Billie. I was enraged and I couldn't think of anything besides kicking her ass. I started running towards her, but she grabbed my arms, pinning my front against a wall and putting her body weight on me.

I felt the gun pressing against my back. "Did you call her." She whispered in my ear, pressing the gun harder against me. "Get the fuck off me!" I tried releasing myself from her hold, but I was crying so much I started feeling weak.

I eventually gave up. "Did you call her?" She asked again, angrier. I sniffled "N-no Mommy. She got here by herself." "Thank you for being honest baby."

She let go of me, and I fell against the wall, laying on the floor in a fetal position. "I'm gonna go get rid of her bike. I'll deal with the mess later." Mess? She called my friend a mess.

She's heartless.

*Time skip*

She spent the rest of the day cleaning everything. She acted as if nothing had happened at all. I however was affected by my best friends death. She was my ride or die.

However, I needed to move on. I still need to behave. I don't want to end up like Mia did, or get taken away like Nora was.

As much as I'm gonna miss Kylie. I want to make it out of here alive. So I'm going to be the best girl for Billie.

Or should I say,


A/N: Merry Christmas my lovezzz💖💖 Thank you for reading my book and I wish you happiness and love!!! Take care of yourselves <3

(Smut next chapter?)

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