Chapter 26

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Isabelle woke up startled while Pansy stood in front of her. "Good morning, Sunshine." Pansy joked while Isabelle rubbed her eyes. "I just heard that your Weasley is in the hospital."

This made any sleepiness go away. She sat straight up on her bed. "What? You can't be serious, Pansy." She ran her hand through her hair. "Why is he in the hospital?"

"I don't know." Pansy shrugged and walked towards her bed. "Someone said it in the common room."

Isabelle's head was churning idea after idea about what happened to him. Her stomach rolled into knots. She stood up abruptly, knocking everything that was in her way. In her trunk were some chocolate frogs that she had bought previously. Perfect for a sick Ronald.

Like a zombie, she jogged to the medical ward, hoping that she could see Ron. From the doors, she spotted Hermione and Harry sitting next to a bed. Red hair poked through the blanket. She didn't know how to approach them. What if they were hostile to her?

Shyness overtook her, making her want to turn back and leave, but she was already here and scared for Ronald. In perfect timing, Madame Pomfrey saw her and waved her hand for her to enter.

"Hello, darling." The nurse greeted her in a sweet tone. "Are you here to see Ron?"

Isabelle nodded and slowly got closer to the bed. It was a horrible sight to see. Ron was pale, his face lifeless. His chest moved so he was just sleeping, yet it made her nauseous.

Harry's spine stiffened as she approached the bed, but Hermione just slumped down in a chair. "Hello." Isabelle decided to initiate conversation. "I heard what happened and had to come see him." She pulled out the chocolate frogs from her bag. "This is for him when he wakes up."

Harry looked surprised that she knew those were his favorite candies. She extended her hand with them, which he gladly took and placed them on the little table next to the hospital bed.

The silence was awkward, the three teenagers just stared at each other. Hermione lifted an eyebrow everytime Isabelle made eye contact with her. Harry, on the other hand, blatantly studied her.

"Um," She broke the silence, the other's head snapping towards her. "If it doesn't seem like an imposition, I would like to stay here with you."

Harry looked at Hermione, asking for permission. The girl just rolled her eyes but nodded. "I suppose he would like that."

Isabelle smiled and pulled a chair from across the room. It was so silent that a faint screeching sound interrupted it. She set it in front of Harry and sat down. "How did he end up here?"

Harry physically cringed at her question. "Slughorn gave him something that apparently poisoned him. I suppose your cousin is behind it."

She knew his words were coming, but maybe not this soon. She had no idea if this was Draco's doing or not. Frankly, she didn't care. Her cousin was a death eater, so the less she knew the better. When this whole conflict ends, she doesn't want to be sent to Azkaban on faulty charges. She refused to end up like her mother.

She thought of Draco in Azkaban and her stomach dropped. He would not survive there. He's not a bad enough person to be in a prison like that. He doesn't deserve to endure that torture.

She cleared her throat. "I can assure you that Draco has no hand in that. He's not evil like you guys think." Although she is mad at the boy, she will not stand for them defaming his character.

The friends looked at eachother, making a look of understanding. Isabelle didn't understand what they were thinking and it made her mad. She wasn't going to bring it up, though. She really wanted to see Ron get better.

Again, silence overtook the infirmary until Dumbledore, Snape, Mcgonagall and Slughorn all approached the bed. Isabelle straightened her back under all of their gazes.

All of them looked at her curiously, not really knowing why she was here. Snape especially was trying to figure out the reason.

She ignored the looks, her eyes jumping everywhere but their vicinity. It did look suspicious that she was there, but she wouldn't leave him alone.

"What are you doing here, Miss Lestrange?" Snape asked, his voice as sharp as always.

"I brought him some chocolate frogs for when he gets better." She said, but then backtracked. "If I am imposing I can leave."

Dumbledore shook his head, a child-like glint in his eyes. "Please stay. I know you guys are friends."

Mcgonagall was about to speak, but a loud noise interrupted her. From the doors of the infirmary an angry Lavender rushed towards Ron's bed. She looked worried.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked, her tone mad.

"I happen to be his girlfriend." Lavender replied, seeming offended. Then she looked at Isabelle. "I should be asking what are you doing here, death eater? I told you to leave my boyfriend alone."

"Oh please, Lavender." Isabelle scoffed. "Like anything you say has any effect on my actions."

The other girl huffed, crossing her arms. "He wouldn't want you here anyways."

When she finished saying that, Ron stirred in his bed, making everyone's attention zoom in on him. He moved from side to side, his eyes still shut.

From the bottom of his throat, a sound was made. He was trying to talk. After a few low groans and murmurs, he was finally heard.

"Belly." He whispered, his voice barely audible, but everyone was aware of what he was saying. "Belly."

Isabelle couldn't help the gasp that left her mouth as she scrambled to hold his hand. He gripped her tightly, going back to sleep. After a few seconds, she dared to look at the other people.

Everyone was shocked, especially Lavender. Her eyes were watery and she looked like she was about to explode. Without saying anything, she ran out of the infirmary.

"Young love." Dumbledore said, making her blush.

She never knew Ron liked her that much and, to be honest, she liked him too. That was something she would never admit, but the thought lingered at the back of her mind.

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