Chapter 16

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Music blasted from the common room as Isabelle put on one of Pansy's mini black dresses. She didn't think she would go to a party, so her scandalous clothes selection was limited. She let her hair loose and applied some pink lipgloss.

The party had already started, but she wanted to look pretty for it. Pansy left as soon as she took a shower, which was an hour ago. Isabelle strutted down the stairs to be met by bright lights and loud music.

The overhead lights were off and some green ones turned on and off. The music was annoyingly loud for such a small space. The smell of alcohol enveloped every student there. Some were screaming the lyrics to the song while dancing. Isabelle was sure that Snape was going to come in here and shut it off.

She found Blaise wrapped around a girl who was kissing his neck. When he noticed Isabelle, he stopped dancing for a moment. "Hey, Belle! Want a shot?" He screamed to be heard. It was mostly a mutter of words, but Isabelle understood him.

"Sure!" She shouted back. He left the girl dancing with another guy and brought back two shot glasses. Isabelle downed one, making a face after swallowing. "How did you get alcohol in here anyways?"

"Some muggle-borns buy them from the shops and bring them here. It's not as strong as wizard booze, but if not Snape can detect it." Blaise shrugged at the last part, laughing at nothing. "I saw at the game you met Enzo and Lori."

She nodded, asserting what he said. "I did, they are very kind."

"Wait until they tell you how they started dating. It's wild." He exclaimed, a reminiscent smile on his face. "They've been dating for 2 years now."

"I have to speak some more with them." Isabelle was curious about something though. "Is it true that she was Draco's ex-girlfriend?"

Blaise stopped talking for a moment. "Yeah, he did some horrible stuff to her. Enzo beat him up a few times because of it."

"What did he do?" She questioned wanting to know more.

He cringed, and tried to hide it, but it was noticeable. "Maybe Lori or Draco should tell you. I don't want to give you wrong information."

Isabelle got slightly annoyed with his answer. She didn't know Draco had ever had a girlfriend, or gotten in fights. She knew he was some sort of bully, but he never spoke of physical fights. Up to this point, she thought that Draco had a crush on Harry Potter since he never talked about girls. Now she wanted to know how many girls he had dated.

Isabelle thought that maybe Pansy would tell her everything. She started to look for her, but it was impossible to move through all the people. Slytherins of all ages were here. 3rd to 7th years were all partying. The smaller kids didn't have cups, because they weren't allowed to drink.

Pansy was nowhere to be found, at least she wasn't in the crowd. Isabelle searched until she saw her kissing a girl. The dark skinned girl was sitting in Pansy's kissing her like her life depended on it. Obviously, Isabelle wasn't going to intervene, but she wanted to know more about Draco. So she thought that if she found him, he would tell her what happened.

She opened the door that led to the halls, not really knowing where she was going. She walked through the passages, careful to not make much noise. Draco was probably sleeping, or working, but Isabelle wasn't really a partier so she was fine with just walking around.

The corridors were empty, except for the blonde hair peeking through a windowsill. Isabelle thought it was Draco, so she almost ran towards it. It was not him, it was Luna Lovegood. The blonde girl was staring at the moon, with an expressionless face. Isabelle didn't know if she should bother her.

Before she could leave, Luna turned to her with a smile. "Hello,Isabelle." She greeted. "What are you doing around here at this hour?"

"Just trying to get some information about something." Isabelle explained vaguely. "What are you doing here, Luna?"

"Staring at the moon. It's beautiful tonight." She went back to staring at the moon. "What information are you trying to learn?"

Isabelle thought that she couldn't lose anything by asking Luna about Lorelai and Draco. "Well, do you know anything about the relationship between Lorelai and Draco? Anything about how it started or ended."

Luna pondered on it for a moment before speaking. "They dated in the beginning of 4th year for a few months, until he was caught kissing another girl. Then Lorelai started dating Lorenzo Berkshire. She's a half-blood. A Ravenclaw."

So, Draco cheated on the poor girl. Maybe that's why Lorenzo got in a fight with him. The cousin that Isabelle thought she knew so well was someone completely different. The Draco that she knew would not cheat on a girl just because. He was always so nice to her.

"Has he done this more times or just this once?" She kept questioning because she wanted to know more.

"He's been caught doing this a few times. The girls now know to not date him if you want something serious. Two weeks is what they usually last." Luna said all this like she has had this conversation a million times.

"But how can he break so many girls' hearts? This is usually how he acts?" Isabelle was so confused.

"Draco is not known to be a very nice person, Isabelle." Luna was pitying her. "I know that seeing Draco act like he usually does is shocking, but I am here if you need some consoling. My mother alway used to say that if someone you thought you knew shows you their real side, then there's no telling how many sides they have."

This made Isabelle a little sad. She ultimately knew nothing about her cousin. She always considered him her brother, because he was always there for her. But these last few days have gotten her thinking about how he really is and if she wants to see the real him. Is it better to live in her fantasy of the Draco that used to clean her room when she didn't want to, steal wizarding books from the library for her to read, and show her spells that she couldn't nail down or face the bully and the cheater.

This ruined any chance of her to party, so she thanked Luna and went to her dorm room. She knocked about three times to make sure Pansy wasn't there doing something that Isabelle didn't want to see. When she knew the coast was clear, she changed and got to bed. She slept instantly, not wanting to think any longer.

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