Chapter 23

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Christmas break was over, and Hogwarts could feel it. The buzz of students saying what they got for the holiday was heard all over the fortress. Isabelle hid away from the questions about her presents, not wanting to admit that she hadn't gotten any. It was embarrassing enough to stay at Hogwarts.

Pansy had gotten her a present, after Isabelle thought nobody was condirate enough to get her something. It was a photo frame with a picture of them hugging with stickers all over it. Belly almost cried when she was given it.

"So, you're not mad at me?" Isabelle asked, not believing that her friend was still her friend.

Pansy furrowed her eyebrows. "Why would I be mad?"

"For Blaise." Isabelle replied, embarrassed by what had happened.

"Oh please." Pansy scoffed. "By next week he'll have another crush to obsess over. It's nothing to worry about."

This gave Isabelle enough peace of mind to find Ron and tell him that she finished the project. He would be happy because he hated doing work. This was her Christmas present to him. She really had missed seeing his smile around school, even if he was gone for a few days.

She embarked on her search for the redhead. It was not so hard to find him, since he was sitting in his common room staring at the fireplace. He did not notice her come in at all.

"Ron." Isabelle spoke slowly, not wanting to startle him. Still, he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard her voice.

He stared at her like she was a scary monster. Almost like he was looking at something through her, not at her. The same guarded cast that his eyes had were back. The last time they sparkled, this time they were dull. He looked gray.

"I have a surprise for you!" She said while bouncing in pace. "Guess what it is."

Silence and an angry look.

"Come on! It's easy to guess." She smiled, getting worried. "Don't be mean, you will love it. I promise." She put her pinky finger close to him.

"I'm not feeling well, Lestrange." He gagged at the last name. "And seeing you is making it worse."

She wanted to help, so she sat down next to him. He scooted away. "What happened, Ron? Are you okay?"

After not saying anything and staring at the fire, he turned to her. Venom running through his eyes. "Ask your mum."

Isabelle's heart dropped for a moment. "What has she done now?"

"Burned my house down."

"What?" She screamed. "Tell me you're joking."

The stone cold look on Ron's face reassured that it wasn't a joke. She felt her eyes fill with tears, she refused to let them fall. "I promise I didn't know about this. I am so sorry." He sat still. "I am going to write to Aunt Narcissa and take my money out of the bank and I will put it towards your house."

He shook his head. "I don't want pity money. My brothers are already building it again."

"Oh, God. I am so sorry." She said, almost pleading for him to forgive her. "I had no idea they did that."

"You know why I'm mad at you?" He questioned while Isabelle nodded. "Because I was actually starting to think we could be friends, but I don't think that can happen. Everytime I look at you I'm reminded of your deranged family."

"I understand your hurt, Ron, but what your saying is really mean." Her voice shook, but composure was held.

"I'm being honest." He defended himself. "I was really getting along with you. I even told my mum how you were a good person, not like your family, but you are a spitting image of your mother."

"I didn't choose that." Isabelle spoke. "I was really liking you, too."

"I just want to finish that stupid project." He huffed, running his hands through his hair.

"That was the surprise I had for you. I finished the project while you were on break."

He stopped moving for a moment to just stare at her. "I assumed that you went to stay with the Malfoys. I would've stayed back to help."

She shook her head. "I was fine on my own. It gave me something to distract myself."

"Still, I'm sorry I didn't help more with writing it."He apologized. "I'm pretty shit with school work."

"I think we were an amazing team and I couldn't have wished for a better partner." She smiled, hoping that the mood was lighter now.

He still stared to the front, a battle in his eyes. He was hurt, but then again, it wasn't her fault. It still bothered him that his childhood home was ruined. Not only ruined, but burned to the ground.

She bit her lip, thinking about what to say. "Can I hug you?"

He twisted his head to her and slowly nodded. She put her head on his chest while Ron wrapped his arms around Isabelle. Her heart quickened, but her breathing slowed.

He was so warm and comfortable that her eyes slowly closed. His as well. The heat of each other's bodies making them peaceful enough to sleep.

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