Chapter 9

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Isabelle sat on the floor of her dorm, studying about liquid luck. She didn't want Ron to know more than her. After their chat yesterday, she went straight to the library to learn about this potion. She had heard about it before, but it never piqued her interest.

Her robes were on her bed, thrown into a corner. Isabelle wasn't in the mood to wear them today. She had on her white shirt and the black skirt that was shorter than it should be. Her tie hung loosely around her neck. 3 silver necklaces that she had gotten over the years sat perfectly before the first button on the dress shirt.

She had her hair tied up with her wand holding it. A few pieces of hair framed her face. She had a little mascara on, trying to at least look presentable.

Isabelle looked at the time; it was 1:50. She stood up, grabbing the research books and pieces of parchment. With one quick swipe of her wand, the room was clean before leaving.

The common room was mostly empty, since the students had stuff to do. The only people that were there were 4 first years that were playing chess. Isabelle muttered a Hello before making her way to her meeting with Ron.

She got there at exactly 2 and sat on the grass. It felt cool against her legs, but not particularly wet. Isabelle pulled out all of the resources they could use to be ready when he got there.

5 minutes passed of her waiting for Ron, and he had yet to show up. Isabelle was about to leave, when she saw a red-head walking towards her. With a tight smile she greeted him.

"About time you got here." She said as soon as he was close enough.

Ron rolled his eyes while throwing his bag on the floor next to her. "I had some business to take care of. 'Mione needed my help."

"Whatever." Isabelle ignored his excuse. "So I had the liberty of doing some light reading of the properties of Liquid Luck." She put all of the books she had used in front of him.

His eyes widened. "This is light reading?" He questioned, looking from her to the books in front of them.

"Yes. This is light." She remarked back. "Anyways, We can write all the information that I found on a piece of parchment and give it to someone to spell check."

"We can give it to Hermione, she is great with studying." Ron offered.

"I was going to nominate Blaise, he is a magnificent student." Isabelle spoke proudly of one of her new friends.

He shook his head disapprovingly. "Hermione's better; I can guarantee it."

She rolled her eyes at him. "I don't want to fight with you, Ronald." Isabelle said in a low voice.

"Shocker." Ron whispered, but she heard him loud and clear.

Isabelle took a deep breath before speaking again. "I don't appreciate your comments, Ronald. I am trying to work with you, but you are making it very difficult. It's my first year at Hogwarts and I really want to get good grades to make my family proud. I can do the whole project by myself."

He stared at her for a beat. "You make it hard to work calmly. I can't even look at you without thinking about your horrible family."

"Once again, I have to say I am not my family." Her voice cracked. "I knew I would have that image follow me around, but I didn't think it would be this bad." She stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Isabelle started walking away, feeling a little emotional. She didn't know if there was a bathroom around there, yet she was determined to find it.

She wiped her eyes until she felt a hand on her back. She jerked around and found a regretful looking Ron behind her.

"Look, I'm sorry." He stared at the floor instead of at her. She could see he was struggling with this apology. "I didn't want to make you cry. Let's just get this over with and try to finish the project as soon as possible."

She nodded, agreeing that they should finish it quickly. They sat back down on their spot and started working. Isabelle did most of the work, but Ron helped a little. Mostly by writing, she told him what to copy.

They finished the first page of the 12 they had to accomplish. It was noticeable that they were both tired with each other so Isabelle decided to tell him that she was going.

"I think this is enough for today." She said, putting the books back in her bag. "We can plan our next meeting later." She, again, extended her hand for him to shake. This time he did.

His hands were big compared to her. It wasn't soft, nor rough. It was the hand of someone that has had to work for the things they had, which was true. Ron was poor, there was no way around it. Isabelle wasn't going to poke fun of this like Draco does, because she has a fraction of sympathy for the boy.

"See you later, Lestrange." He said while standing up as well.

"Goodbye, Weasley." Leaving him with that she started strutting away, proud that they had made some progress.

Ron stared at her when she walked off, surprised that they actually did some work. He grabbed his stuff and went back to the common room, meeting Hermione there. She smiled at him as soon as he walked through the door.

"How was the meeting?" Hermione asked curiously.

Ron gave her a smirk. "We only fought one time, and we got the first page finished. I would say it isn't that bad."

She nodded along with him. "That's good. I still have to find Malfoy and do the work with him." She said, not happy at all. "Harry is actually with Pansy right now doing their work."

"Maybe I can talk with Isabelle and see if she can tell Draco to find you." Ron offered, trying to help his beloved friend.

Hermione nodded. "That would be greatly appreciated."

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