Name: LilacBerry

Posted on: March 8. 12:32am.

Message: listening to music is a bad idea lol now i'm too hyped to sleep... dancing in my room imagining myself screaming out loud YOU MADE A REBEL OF A CARELESS MAN'S CAREFUL DAUGHTER, YOU ARE THE BEST THING THAT'S NEVER BEEN MINEEEEEEEEEE >.<


Looked like Danielle's Swiftie tendencies were always with her. Fred looked at a few other messages, then returned, and to his astonishment, Danielle's message was gone. Thinking it was a network error, he refreshed the page.

Nope. Still gone. But her reply to him about exams were still there.


Fred knew he shouldn't overthink, but he also, astonishingly enough (or not), had common sense. And Danielle sharing lyrics about "you" never being "mine" seemed like a fairly obvious reference to something Fred now had confirmation about.

Which was probably why she deleted it. And Fred had a feeling Danielle knew she shouldn't had posted it, but she was emotional and impulsive and was like "screw it". Then he came online and she actually went "screw it" and nuked the post.

In a way, he was just like her. Impulsive and champion of making bad decisions and being chronically unable to get over first crushes.

Fred shut his eyes and tried to sleep, but his mind was awake. The events of the past few weeks came washed over him like waves on a beach during night. Although a small, immature part of Fred was selfishly glad that Arthur was now out of the picture, the majority part of him was upset that Alex had gotten hurt and had gotten embarrassed by someone she loved and trusted. Like, okay, okay, Fred wanted them to break up because he was a stupid obnoxious jealous teenager, but he'd always kind of hoped it would be amiable so at least Alex would be fine... kind of.

... But to be honest, Alex did seem okay after the breakup. Of course she was hurt and melancholic, but it wasn't to the point of despair when Rook was forced to ditch her during her campaign to save the Lynn Building. Fred, nosy as always, couldn't help but compare the two in his head. Maybe Rook had caused more emotional damage, but it wasn't like he wanted to hurt Alex, plus he had family issues and was working a part time job. It was unfair to be harsh to a struggling teen with an ill parent, plus Rook kept a respectful and civil distance from Alex and seemed fairly harmless now. Rook's situation was unfortunate, but at least they'd both made peace with it.

But Arthur was supposed to be the mature and cool leader or whatever. But the way he acted towards Alex didn't seem very mature. And maybe the honeymoon phase had finally ended (after three months) and Alex decided they weren't a right fit. Either way, to Fred at least it seemed like Alex had learned from her previous relationship and wasn't going to let this one shatter her. And Fred was proud of her strength.

But at the same time, it felt weird. Fred felt weird. Because there was this aggravating nagging voice in the back of his head reminding him that Alex was once again single, and it wasn't like he had a completely non-existent chance (even though it was basically non-existent).

But Fred had a feeling that Alex was disillusioned with romance. Heck, he felt disillusioned with romance. Why was it so complicated and wacky? A friend was what Alex needed, and if she needed him (as a friend), he would be there (as a friend).

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